5 Ways to Conserve Fuel in Your Car
1. Be proactive with traffic lights. Get in the habit of looking 10 to 15 seconds ahead of where you are. Notice upcoming traffic lights and signals. If a light is green when you first notice it, chances are it will be red by the time you get to it. In this case, take your foot off the accelerator and begin to coast up to the light. Avoid the temptation to speed up so you can make it through the light - accelerating unnecessarily wastes a lot of gas. In the case of stop signs, you know you'll have to stop. So as soon as you notice one coming up, take your foot off the accelerator and start slowing down.
2. Don't let your car idle to warm it up. Cars warm up much faster at traveling speed than they do just idling. If you let your car idle in the driveway until it warms up, you'll burn a lot of fuel unnecessarily.
3. Minimize air conditioner use. Air conditioners place a significant additional load on your car's engine. In my own vehicle, I experienced about 4 miles more per gallon when I quit using my air-conditioner. I'm not suggesting you quit using your A/C all together, but get in the habit of assessing your need each time you drive your car.
4. Combine errands. With just a little bit of advanced planning, you can combine several errands in one trip. So rather than running over the the shopping center for groceries today, dry-cleaning tomorrow and videos the next day, do all three in the same trip.
5. Coast whenever possible. If you're traveling downhill, take your foot off the accelerator and coast. This is especially effective on long trips, and you can even make a game out of it.
These are just a few simple ideas on how you can save fuel in your car. I encourage you to let these ideas spur your own creativity to find more ways to conserve fuel and save money.
Texting While Driving - A Teen Killer
From the time that I was little and just handing my father a wrench or screwdriver as I marveled over the way that he would make something beautiful out of something that would not run and looked like it never would. To now where I am an ASE Master certified technician working at a Chevrolet dealership and fixing cars for a living. I may not have the time or the money to restore an old car or truck but the desire and the love will always be there.
I remember helping my father restore my first truck just like it was yesterday. It was a 1969 Chevrolet C10 short wide P/U that we picked up from some persons field. I had to cut all of the weeds around it in order to get it out of there, my mom was not very happy, and from that point on I could only imagine what it would look like when we were done. A lot of my friends thought that I was crazy when I showed them my new truck in pieces, thinking it would never run. After many long nights and lots of hard work we were finally done and it came out better than I could have ever imagined. The part of the whole experience that I remember and most treasure is how it brought my father and me together.
Now that I am older and realize how much work that it takes to bring a car back from the dead it makes me appreciate all of the hard work that my father, who is no longer with us, used to go through to keep my old 69 Chevrolet Truck running with a teenage boy driving it. I can't wait to do the same for both of my now very young boys so we could share late nights in the garage that I grew to love so much and my mother would hate. Those were the rare bonding moments between my father and I that truly gave me my love for automobiles that I would not trade for anything and nobody could ever take away.
That I think is what defines a true love for automobiles. It is not the vehicles themselves that create the love but the bond that they have the ability to create between a father and a son or anyone at that matter. It's those sleepless nights in the garage to make something old and beat up beautiful again, or to make something fast even faster. A love for automobiles will always be near and dear to my heart and with a little luck sharing this will give someone the drive to feel the same.
Memorable: The Bimota SB2
Much before he penned the lines for the Ducati 916 and the MV Agusta F4, two of the most stunningly beautiful bikes ever made, Massimo Tamburini had designed another very significant motorcycle, one which has almost been forgotten today. Yes indeed, we’re talking about the Bimota SB2.
The Tamburini-designed SB2 isn’t, perhaps, as ‘beautiful’ as the 916 or the F4. At least not in the current context of the word. But it’s still strikingly individualistic – a machine that very much marches to its own beat. The bike was launched in 1977, priced at around US$10,000 – terribly expensive for its time.
The SB2 was fitted with a rather prosaic engine – an air-cooled 75bhp inline-four from the Suzuki GS750. But then, as now, Bimota were chassis specialists and that’s where the magic was. The Suzuki engine was bolted on to a light, stiff frame made of chrome-molybdenum steel tubing, which offered easily adjustable steering geometry. And the suspension comprised of a 35mm Ceriani fork at the front and Corte & Cosso monoshock at the rear – cutting-edge stuff for the late-1970s.
It isn't 'beautiful' in the conventional sense, but the SB2 is certainly stand-out individualistic...
The bike was fitted with Brembo disc brakes – 280mm at the front and 260mm at the back. The Campagnolo wheels were made of magnesium alloy, the fuel tank was made of aluminium and the bike weighed 196kg dry – about 30 kilos lighter than a standard Suzuki GS750.
So, what do its owners have to say about the SB2 today? Hmmm… with more than three decades having passed since the bike was introduced, and with Bimota having built only about 70 units of the bike, finding someone who actually owns one was difficult. Still, we managed to track down Robert Vaeth, who’s based in Connecticut, in the US, who owns a 1977 SB2.
‘I was originally attracted to the Bimota SB2 in the early 1980s, when my interest in Italian motorcycles began. I had only seen it in photos but always knew I would love to have one. The avant-garde design of the bodywork, along with the precision frame fabrication and machining won me over,’ says Robert. ‘There are five known SB2s in the United States, and it’s certainly a conversation starter at gas stations and bike meets. Most believe it is a decade newer than it really is,’ he adds.
‘When I purchased the bike, it had not been run in a number of years. My SB2 [which bears serial number 00036] began its life riding the streets of Italy, until it was purchased and brought to England, where it remained for several years and then ultimately to the eastern seaboard of the United States,’ says Robert. ‘After purchasing the bike in 2000, I restored it completely, getting it repainted and having the engine rebuilt,’ he adds.
‘Riding it is a complete joy! Steering, handling and power still make it a brilliant ride, even in modern times. The chassis, in my opinion, is miles ahead of all other bikes from that time period. Its perimeter frame and monoshock design, along with adjustable trail was later copied by many bike manufacturers, putting it years ahead of its time. The standard GS750 engine is upgraded with larger carburetors and velocity stacks by Bimota. The exhaust features a free-flowing Bimota designed pipe and muffler,’ concludes Robert.
Hmm... we reckon Robert is a very lucky guy - the SB2 is a veritable piece of Bimota history, and one hell of a motorcycle. Keep it rolling, friend...
via : http://www.fasterandfaster.net/
Future Hot Cars: Are You Driving One?
Sure, you want to make certain that your ride lasts a number of years before you decide to trade it in for a new model or run it into the ground as you squeeze every last mile out of the engine. But, if you knew that you could buy a car that some day would be a collector's item, would you do that?
McKeel Hagerty, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Hagerty Insurance Agency and a noted collector car valuation expert, has compiled his personal list of what he considers to be the top picks from today's current cars on the road.
"Many consumers could be driving a future collector car right now," says Hagerty. "Our goal was to find cars that are currently on the road but may be considered nostalgic in 15 to 20 years. Each car on Hagerty's Hot List possesses a 'buzz,' a Wow Factor that resonates with consumers of all ages, many cars being daily drivers that turn heads already."
Called the Hagerty Hot List, Hagerty has analyzed the reasons why today's collector cars have so much potential. He includes pop-culture popularity, limited production numbers and the style of the next generation of collectors. Hagerty includes a wide range of models that span market segments and price ranges: cars that are more affordable, fun to drive and still enticing for future generations.
Hagerty's Hot List:
Cadillac XLR-V Roadster
Lotus Exige S
Audi S5
Mustang Shelby GT 500 KR
Chevrolet Corvette Z06
Subaru Impreza WRX STi
Honda S2000 CR
Pontiac Solstice/Saturn Sky
Dodge Charger Super Bee
Notably, the Pontiac Solstice and Saturn Sky may soon be going out of production while the long term viability of Chrysler LLC is casting a shadow on the Dodge Charger. Curiously, the Smart listed (ForTwo) isn't for any particular model, rather for the entire brand.
"In a time when all the major manufacturers are fiercely competing for market share, we wanted to pick some modern day driving machines that grab drivers' attention now and will continue to do so down the road," says Hagerty. "The cars on this list have all the right ingredients to be looked upon by the next generation of enthusiasts as cool cars to collect."
What Defines a True Love for Automobiles?
From the time that I was little and just handing my father a wrench or screwdriver as I marveled over the way that he would make something beautiful out of something that would not run and looked like it never would. To now where I am an ASE Master certified technician working at a Chevrolet dealership and fixing cars for a living. I may not have the time or the money to restore an old car or truck but the desire and the love will always be there.
I remember helping my father restore my first truck just like it was yesterday. It was a 1969 Chevrolet C10 short wide P/U that we picked up from some persons field. I had to cut all of the weeds around it in order to get it out of there, my mom was not very happy, and from that point on I could only imagine what it would look like when we were done. A lot of my friends thought that I was crazy when I showed them my new truck in pieces, thinking it would never run. After many long nights and lots of hard work we were finally done and it came out better than I could have ever imagined. The part of the whole experience that I remember and most treasure is how it brought my father and me together.
Now that I am older and realize how much work that it takes to bring a car back from the dead it makes me appreciate all of the hard work that my father, who is no longer with us, used to go through to keep my old 69 Chevrolet Truck running with a teenage boy driving it. I can't wait to do the same for both of my now very young boys so we could share late nights in the garage that I grew to love so much and my mother would hate. Those were the rare bonding moments between my father and I that truly gave me my love for automobiles that I would not trade for anything and nobody could ever take away.
That I think is what defines a true love for automobiles. It is not the vehicles themselves that create the love but the bond that they have the ability to create between a father and a son or anyone at that matter. It's those sleepless nights in the garage to make something old and beat up beautiful again, or to make something fast even faster. A love for automobiles will always be near and dear to my heart and with a little luck sharing this will give someone the drive to feel the same.
Let Your Freak Flag Fly
I used to work in a cubicle. Maybe you know the life… spending hours everyday in a small, three sided box with only a computer, keyboard and monitor as companions. Row upon row of other identical, threesided boxes completed the office matrix. For me and many of my colleagues, it felt like a minimum security prison. Although there were no bars on the windows to keep us from escaping, there were prison guards; so adept at feeding our learned helplessness, that the thought of escape rarely, if ever, crossed our minds.
These guards weren't middle management micro-managers, far from it. Hell, those poor guys are just other inmates, one rung up on the ladder for good behavior. It wasn't even the boss and his cronies. No, these guards were much more powerful than a mere mortal could ever hope to be. You may have encountered them yourselves, at some time or another. The guards were FEAR and the psychology around that fear that keep us trapped in our circumstances. And that is what kept me trapped in my cubicle. How I got to that place and why I stayed so long can only be explained as a grave miscalculation on my part. I felt as though I was living someone else's life, not mine. After all, I had grown up on the streets and had lived with hippies, freaks and bikers from an early age during the late sixties and early seventies.
How did I stray so far from myself? Let me give you a bit of background on my formative years so you can see for yourself how this phenomenon slyly creeps it's way into even the most free-spirited of lives. I had been motorcycling from an early age. When I was twelve years old, I bought a Yamaha 250 with my own money and I rode it like the wind. I was the wind. The feeling of freedom one gets from riding got into my blood and changed me... My thoughts, my cares, the world as I knew it… everything was permanently transformed. After that, anything less than feeling free became an unnatural state for me.
So what happened to me? well, it's kind of a long story, but I'll make it short. For one thing, life happened to me. I had made some poor choices along the way and I was paying the price. Enough said. The other thing that happened (and had been happening throughout my life), was that I was sold a bill of goods, not just by my parents and the family I grew up in, but even more so by our culture and the media. I was sold a bill of goods about what supposedly is important in life,what it takes to be happy, to "be somebody," to have the "American Dream." And unfortunately, without even knowing it, I drank the "kool-ade." I gulped it right down, and after that, I wasn't the same person anymore. It didn't happen over night, but little by little, I got further and further from who I was meant to be. I became a stranger to myself and it was this stranger, living inside my body, that ended up working in the cubicle. I know it sounds like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," but that really is how it happened. The funny thing is, I didn't see it happening at all.
Needless to say, in order to endure the cubicle life, I had to repress my natural tendency towards freedom. I gave up the music, the bikes, the dreams… I traded in my life for a pack of lies, and I gave up me. That's when I hid my freak flag. I hid it well, and then as usual, I forgot where I hid it. Maybe I feared that if my flag resurfaced, the "good" life that I was trying to achieve would be in jeopardy. I don't know. All I know is that I became more and more miserable, and I didn't know why. By that time, the person I had once been was nothing more than a distant memory. The truth of who I was… was lost.
I'm sure you've heard the saying "The truth will set you free." Well there's another saying: "The false will turn you into a bitter asshole!" (that quote is from our editor). To be sure, I became quite an asshole during the years that my freedom was repressed. Not to mention, I got crazier and crazier. Eventually, the fear of losing my sanity got worse than the fear of facing the truth, and the pain of staying the same got worse than the pain of changing. It sucked really bad, but it was a turning point. I started to face the reality of what my life had become and I slowly began my journey back to the land of the living, and back to me.
One cannot live a lie forever. Eventually the truth began pushing it's way towards the surface, and that truth finally broke through in the form of a 1996 Harley-Davidson softail with Screaming Eagle pipes. The truth is deafening and it roars for me to be me. This is my freak flag and I let it fly. After years of self-imposed repression, I was out of the cubicle and back on the road. I was free again.
I've met a lot of people on the road while riding my bike. I've seen the full spectrum of American bikers... from speed demons on crotch rockets to hippies on Harleys, organized groups to independents, Christian bikers to 1 percenters, rich and poor, young and old, and everything in between. We're different, yet we're still the same. Our similarities will always outweigh our differences because we all share one common bond: underneath our leathers and sleeveless shirts beat hearts that long for freedom. We are all in various stages of letting our freak flags fly, of expressing our authentic selves. But no matter where we are, we need those machines. We need them because when we are riding, we remember who we are. We remember the truth and it sets us free.
It still baffles me when I think about my time spent in those cubicles. I took a big gulp of that kool-aid we've been warned about, just like I use to take a big gulp of the Boones Farm. The difference is that the effects of the kool- aid can last for years, even a lifetime. I'm glad I was able to break those chains and be free again. I'm glad I found the courage to face my fear and say fuck it! I'm glad I found my freak flag, and you better believe, I'm gonna let it fly. You do owe it to someone. Yourself
Oh, To Own A Chopper
Webster dictionary Main Entry: 1chop·per Pronunciation: \chä-pər\ Function: noun Purpose: Riding like a Bat Out Of Hell Definitions: 1: a customized motorcycle 2: a machine gun 3: a helicopter 4: a set of teeth 5: a short ax with a large blade, etc. While I admit definitions two and three sound like fun, I'm primarily concerned with definition number one. Let's face it, everyone wants a chopper. Young, old, short, tall, male and female, yuppy or blue collar; deep down, we all want to own a chopper. Choppers look, you know... cool.. They sound cool. It's amazing when you're riding one, ripping through the gears, pissing off your neighbors and impressing the chicks. Your ego's close circuit camera watching you as you think about how cool you look. Priceless. If you've convinced yourself that you're content to drive your wife's mommy van while groups of bikers roar past you on the highway, then there are issues to be addressed. My best advice to you: snap out of it before the emasculation process is complete! Ok. That's a bit dramatic. All I'm saying is that now may be a good time to re-download who you are and what you want out of life. Play it out loud (and often - to remind yourself)), because life really is too short to be putting off the dream...whatever it may be. To this end, there is the Great American Chopper. Muscle and metal, High Plains Drifter on wheels; the Iron Horse. What we are really talking about here is freedom. Can I get an AMEN on that? Of course, freedom ain't free, but neither is captivity. So pay attention. If you wake up one morning and find that you've allowed yourself to be taken hostage, by your job, your relationship, or whatever your life circumstances might be, now is the time to take back your life. It's actually a quite simple proposition.. In order to regain your freedom, all you have to do is give up your fears. Not easy, but simple. And it beats the alternative. So how do we go about reclaiming this elusive freedom? Again, it's simple. Just ask Al Hauser of Al's Custom Cycle in River Falls, WI. You want freedom? Al creates the Freedom Machine. The American Chopper. Not flimsy, pretty boy bikes that look great at the bike show, but ride like shit on Wisconsin's twisty curvy alphabet soup roads. Al makes beautiful bikes that also function with amazing practicality. Start with the basics. For a great ride you need a frame designed for agility. Take note; the softail frame with hydraulic shocks. For this entry Al begins with a softail frame made by Rolling Thunder Frames out of Quebec, Canada. (Ya, der eh?) The frame is black powder coated with a 35 degree rake. The shocks are stock chrome Harley-Davidson softail shocks. If you can't navigate, you might as well masterb…well, never mind. Building out from the black frame, we need to roll and we need to stop. Al accomplishes this with a 21 inch front tire and a 17 x 180 wide rear tire. The wheels are chrome. The brake calipers are THH four piston polished chrome, front and rear. Now for the good stuff. The engine is a 110 cubic inch polished chrome Rev Tech pushing out over 115 horsepower and 120 ft/lbs of torque, you'll have more than enough ponies for whatever type of riding you do, so you can get up and leave while running through all six gears on the Rev Tec tranny. The carb is a Mikuni HSR 45 suckin' gas and pushing your ass down the road. That's the way it was meant to be. That's also why this bike has a five gallon tapered gas tank, so you can keep scootin' past the Exxon monopolies. The digital console and high gloss black paint gives this baby a very sleek, streamlined look. Add the gold and blue accents that glisten when they catch the sunlight and well; all I can say is this baby is truly a class act. And true class doesn't have to flash. Braided black oil lines make a subtle statement of quality and beauty. The same can be said for the black powder coated forward controls and lower front fork. Of course quality paint and chrome work like magic and this is no exception. The great thing about using paint and chrome correctly is that the components compliment each other rather than compete with each other for the limelight. Al has accomplished this feat masterfully, and estimates this bike will sell in the low 20's. So that's your price for freedom. And while I can't guarantee that buying a chopper will set you free, I can guarantee that whatever the cost for your freedom, it can never be too high. Start small. Buy the chopper and see what happens. Ride it. And let freedom ring.
5 Important Reasons Why I Use Fuel Legacy Additive In My Car
The one that I like best is the product of Fuel Legacy International. It does not only increase mileage, it also reduces emissions that come out from the tail pipe of vehicles.
The Fuel Legacy product known as eefuel, is manufactured by H2Oil Company based in California. It has been around for more than twenty years. I has been marketed in China and Japan where the price of gasoline is higher than that in the United States.
Eefuel has been recently marketed in the United States , more than a year ago, when the price of fuel went higher. Fuel Legacy is the authorized sole distributor of eefuel in North America. It is available now also in Canada and will soon be marketed in Mexico and the in Europe according to Fuel Legacy International.
Eefuel works on any type of liquid fuel. The are not used only on cars or trucks, but they are used also for motor cycles, scooters, mopeds, tractors locomotives, construction equipment, stationary power generator, agricultural equipment, ships, ocean liners, boilers and furnaces for homes and buildings.
Here are my important reasons why I chose eefuel for my car:
1. Eefuel ia manufactured using nano technology, water based, which breaks down the fuel into smallest particles and converts it to steam which cleanses my car engine chambers of its carbon deposits. In so doing, the fuel burns practically completely so emissions are reduced up to 50 per cent.
2. Eefuel not only reduces toxic emissions that domes out from the tail pipe up to 50%, but it also increases my car's mileage from 10 to 20 per cent, depending upon how you drive your vehicle..
3. Eefuel has been tested by reputable testing agencies in China, Japan and TNO in Holland, and in the United States for the past twenty years, 15 Billion Miles of testing that verified the increase in mileage up to 20%, decrease in emissions up to 50% protects engine life and boosts performance without any engine damage.
4. Eefuel is the only gas additive scrutinized and approved by the United Nations and Forbes Magazine as effective in reducing toxic emissions and and increasing mileage .
5. Eefuel is the best fuel additive product that allows me to realize my passion to help protect the environment from pollution not only for us but for our children and children's children.
If every car, trucks, locomotives and other equipments that run with gasoline or diesel fuel in the world use eefuel , the earth's pollution will be decreased by 30% as it has been estimated.
The pollution of the air as cause of some diseases has been alluded to by scientists . The belief is that pollution is one of the external sources of the so-call free radicals that cause damage to our body cells causing respiratory, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases and even cancer.
Recently there has been a lot of talk among the media about controlling global warming .No doubt, pollution of the earth has been a big concern of everyone, but a lot of people are wondering what they can do to take part in the solution of global warming.
May I suggest, that we have a proven way, available in our midst to help control pollution by using eefuel in our vehicles. It is good for the environment because it cuts down toxic emissions up to 50%..
The added advantages are: it saves us money because it increases our vehicle's mileage up to 20%, and it increases the life of our vehicle because it cleanses the carbon deposits in its chambers resulting in increase performance.
If you want to explore the details of the wonders of eefuel, click on the resources found in the author's box.
How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Storage
If you have a vehicle that you are going to need to store for a while whether it be for an extended period of time or you are storing a vehicle for seasonal use there are several things you must do to protect it. These steps will ensure protection for your automobile and insure it will be ready for use when you retrieve it. Taking the time to prepare your car right will save you a lot of grief and money later on.
The first and most critical step is to find a suitable location for long term storage. The location should be secure, dry and clean. Make sure the storage place is dry and free of moisture. Moisture, humidity and condensation are the biggest hazards to exterior, interior and engine. Rust and corrosion can form on exposed metal and mold and mildew can grow in the interior as well. The best place is a climate contolled storage facility.
Believe it or not you are also going to have to protect your vehicle from rodents. Storage or not, rats do get in and they can wreak havoc and destroy the wiring system. They can also get into the interior and build nests there. One option is to place rat poison or some other pest control device around the car. If the storage unit has power you could get a noise box that repels rats and mice. You can buy them at your local hardware store. These are very safe and will not hurt pets or children.
If you are having a difficult time finding the perfect location to store your vehicle then you should know that there are places that offer automobile storage. These service providers will offer you a dependable storing space to store your automobile. They are very much dedicated to take extra care of your vehicle, so that you will never have any problem to put it on the wheels again, once it is out of the store. The competitive affordable price range helps you to be economical, too. Finally, you can have your peace of mind by knowing the fact that your vehicle is in a safe and secured place.
Now that you have selected the perfect location in which to store your vehicle you have to now prepare the car for storage. Step one is to change the oil and replace it with a synthetic. Changing the oil before storage will reduce moisture in the system and help prevent corrosion in the engine. The reason for synthetic oil is because of the coating properties and it will not break down as quickly as conventional oil.
You must completely fill the gas tank. Many people siphon out the gas and leave the tank empty. This is not correct nor is it a good idea because the moisture left in the empty tank will encourage rust. Fill the tank as high as you can and leave it. This will prevent moisture from forming and prevent rust accumulation. It is also a good idea to add in a gas stabilizer as well.
Next stop, the battery! The next step is the battery. If the vehicle is in for short term storage, you may want to hook up battery charger to the battery. This will insure all electrical equipment like stereo will have power and any saved settings will be there when you return. For longer periods of time, remove the battery. Batteries can crack and leak acid everywhere. In this case it is best to just remove it and replace it when you return.
Next, it is time to prepare the external weather stripping and tires. The best product to use for this is lithium grease. Stay away from petroleum based products. They will eventually dry out and crack the rubber. To apply the grease, spray it on a rag first and then wipe it on the tires and weather stripping. Be sure to cover the gaskets in the doors, sunroof and trunk. For the interior, use a leather or vinyl conditioner. This will safeguard these surfaces from cracking and drying.
The last step is to thoroughly clean the exterior. After you have washed it, apply a coat of wax and buff it out. If you have an air buffer, this process will be a lot easier and will be more effective. Then cover the car with a good quality car cover. If you follow these basic steps, your expensive automobile should be in the same shape you left it before your journey.
How To Check Your Car's Oil
The first thing you'll want to do before checking the oil in your vehicle is to make sure your vehicle's engine is warm. According to Louisiana Honda dealers, those seeking oil change, should pay attention to this closely. This is because oil pressure can give different readings when depending on the temperature. If the engine is cool, it's typically not as thick. Next, you'll want to ensure your car is parked on an even surface and turn the engine off.
When trying to find the oil dipstick, look for piece of metal protruding from the engine, near the spark plugs. There is usually a hook at the engine. Pull the dipstick out, wipe it off completely with a paper towel or shop rag, a step many oil change Burnsville MN do-it-yourself oil changers admit forgetting! The next step will be to dip it back into the dipstick shaft and pull it back out again, holding it out horizontally. Looking at the pointed end of the dipstick, there should be lines that indicate oil level. If the line of oil resides just below the full line, you may want to add a small amount of oil using a funnel. Some dipsticks differ in terms of how many lines they have. If there are two separate lines, for example, you'll want to make sure that the oil level is just between the two lines on the dipstick.
To add oil, unscrew the oil cap, which is usually near the very top of the engine. You'll want to recheck the dipstick afterwards to make sure you've added enough oil. If you're oil level is low and you need to add more, try to add oil only in small increments as its easier to put more if need be, but more difficult to take excess oil out. Once you've added the appropriate amount of oil, replace the oil cap.
Don't forget to always check your owner's manual when performing maintenance on your vehicle. Your owner's manual will also be able to tell you the exact type of oil you need for your vehicle. Should you need any specific parts that are required. Another thing to keep in mind is that the oil system on your vehicle is a closed system, meaning that although the oil is pumped throughout the engine, the oil doesn't actually leave the system. If your vehicle is repeatedly low on oil, that may be an indication that there's an oil leak. If a leak is detected, it's always best to get the leak repaired as soon as possible to prevent extensive and expensive repairs later on.
Some tools required to build your chopper
Chain breaker: The main link in a motorcycle chain is installed with the aim that the chopper has to be sturdy and it should not loosen at the wrong time. This indicate that incase you are intending to remove the chain it would be quite difficult to cut off the master link. For this purpose it is essential that you purchase a chain breaker it is not much expensive and worth spend as it would be useful to you every time you are intending to work on the chopper.
Chain press tool: It is quite obvious that once you remove the chain you need to install it back to the chopper. It is a handy tool that makes the task of fitting the chain back into the chopper and even avoids you from using the hammer and then again banging hammer on to your hammer and making your thumb turn blue.
Clutch Holding tool and clutch spring compression tool: These two pair of tool are handy and easily portable. There are times when you need to work on your bike alone nobody to hold the clutch, in such a time you will need to hold a clutch holding tool which can have the clutch held in compressed position. On the other hand the clutch spring compression tool is a must to have while you are working on your clutch. You can get the clutch holding compression tool at almost $100- $125.
Handle bar and sub frame straightener: In case there are vents in your chopper frame and you need to straighten in then this sub frame straightener will be of great help to you. This straightener tool is of great help as it is quite easily available almost all places at a very reasonable price. While purchasing this tool just ensure that you buy a quality product as it is essential that the tool should be able to bear a lot of pressure.
Compression tester: The rebuilding of the engine or the other trouble shooting work would become an easier task if you wok with the help of a compression tester. A good quality compression tester will not cost you anything more than hundred dollars.
Hydraulic brake bleeder: Incase you are person who likes to work alone while you are designing your best chopper then the brake bleeder will allow you to break the lines of tapped air.
Vehicle Storage Rental is Safer than Your Driveway
Have you ever had to figure out where you were going to store your car? You may have options of keeping your car in your own driveway when you were on a vacation but were you totally at peace when you knew that your car was so vulnerable? Today, car storage is one of the major concerns of car owners when they need auto storag. With the development of technology and advancement in all sectors, options for storing cars have also seen some favorable changes.
Any newspaper will provide a long list of companies that provide safe and secure vehicle storage. These are available in all major cities; you can even find some that offer storage in discreet locations. When your car is with these companies, you can at least relax knowing that your vehicle is in safe hands. There are many storing facilities that have high quality dehumidifiers in some units that provide the best conditions for your car storage. You may wonder how dehumidifier can help your car; these kinds of storing units help the environment to remain dry. In other words, it removes dampness from the environment and prevents the collection of dirt and dust, which can affect the appearance of your vehicle.
Car storage has become an important part of the self storage industry. While baby boomers are now retiring and longing to relive the golden days of the ”muscle“ car. They have the money to buy and restore the Mustangs, Corvettes, and convertibles. They also can afford car storage. One problem that has arisen is that neighborhood associations and city ordinances sometimes have strict ordinances about how many vehicles can be parked on anyone’s property and are against any sort of car storage on private property. This has created a demand market for car storage.
In simpler times when people lived in less congested populations there was more freedom to use your own property and there was no need to pay for car storage. In the 21st century we have lost many of the individual homeowner property freedoms and one of those is the right to have car storage on our property. We fear vandalism so neighborhoods and cities fear that with more things to vandalize that it will bring down the property values. This has forced many suburban communities and municipalities to enact strict laws and guidelines about car storage and other things you may and may not do on your own property or in your own driveway. This makes car storage an important service for classic car owners and families who have a seasonal requirement for car storage of more vehicles than allowed by these laws.
There is a rush of military personnel calling to inquire about car storage. They are being deployed out of state or out of the country for extended periods also find a need for car storage. Many of them have no family who could offer car storage to them and are concerned about the safety of this investment. They turn to self storage companies to fill the need and utilize car storage for the length of the deployment. Many car owners would prefer to have a secure car storage unit. A safe and guaranteed parking spot in a car storage facility with an access controlled gate and other security features as well as a fixed monthly rate that is perhaps far below the price of daily or weekly parking permits would seem very attractive to me in such a situation. Car storage also gives the peace of mind that the vehicle is not sitting in your driveway and vulnerable to thieves that are looking for a quick target to steal stereo equipment.
Car storage is not only for commuters and those who will be out of the country. There are contractors who also need car storage outside parking spots for utility trailers, vans, and lights trucks that could not be parked in a driveway due to rules and ordinances. Even though this is outside parking car storage it is within the access controlled gated area and the same rules apply. The vehicles must have a current registration in the name of the renter to put it in car storage, it must be in running condition and there can be no work done on it while it is in car storage. Workers and business owners as well will profit if there is more car storage that is in tune with the demands and trends of the day.
Motorcycle Safety - Ten Top Tips
By wearing bright clothing and a light coloured helmet, the guy who is talking on his cell phone about last night's game, has a better chance of seeing you. If all car drivers were as vigilant as the average motorcycle rider, we wouldn't have to take these measures, but their not, and saying sorry just isn't enough. Always ride with your headlight on.
We've already talked about the crash helmet, but it's such a crucial piece of kit that it deserves another mention. A white or silver helmet is favourite, but there's another aspect of the lid that's probably more important; the fit. An ill fitting helmet can cause an accident by distraction. If it's too small, it's going to be very uncomfortable, but if it's too big, you'll be forever pulling it back down onto your head or adjusting the strap that feels like it's going to decapitate you, when you should be watching the road.
This probably should be number one. Excessive speed causes more motorcycle accidents than anything else. Apart from being downright unsociable, speed can not only be a sure-fire way of losing your licence, it can also empty your bank account, but I suppose having no money doesn't matter when you're dead.
Hopefully, your motorcycle will have been maintained to a certain degree, but before you set out on a journey, whether it be long or short, check that your lights are working and the tyre pressures are what they should be. A visual check of the chain (if you have one) is also a good idea. If you're riding your own bike, you will notice if there are any unusual sounds coming from the machine. If there are, stop and investigate.
As we said, bright clothing is better, but a yellow pair of shorts isn't exactly what I was thinking of. Anyone who has slid across the tarmac for more than two feet will tell you that your clothing needs to offer some protection. If you do come off your bike, the first thing you're going to do is reach out with your hands in order to protect your face, so wear a decent pair of gloves or forfeit your skin.
I shouldn't really have to include this section, and the people who use the road under the influence of alcohol or drugs aren't going to listen to anyone anyway, but I'd just like to ask anyone who does, to let me know when they're going to be out and about, so that I can keep myself and my family off the road. No, no, no.
If you've just bought a new bike, or you've borrowed your mate's machine, take a little time to familiarise yourself with the handling before you get too carried away. Even bikes of the same make have their own little foibles and need to feel loved.
Tiredness is a definite killer, especially on a motorcycle when you need to be on the ball one hundred percent of the time. I know if you're on a long journey it's not easy to pull over to the side of the road and have forty winks, but it may be well worth stopping for a coffee.
Riding with a pillion can turn your beautiful-handling machine into a monster, especially if you're not used to it. A pillion affects the balance, performance and handling of any bike, so be aware from the outset that there's someone behind you. Another thing to bear in mind is that your pillion doesn't need the living daylights scared out of them. Be courteous to your passenger.
One of the most important weapons in your armoury is anticipation. Try to anticipate trouble before it happens. Ride as if you're invisible and expect cars to pull out in front of you, so that when they do you are mentally prepared and have adopted a good road position and speed to handle it.
If you fancy it, it may be a good idea to attend a training session or two. I know; I'm not your Dad, but I do want you to arrive safely. Safe riding.

How To Obtain Free Fuel
What is fascinating is that there can be so many suggestions to reduce your fuel consumption. This is because the average automobile uses only 20% or so of the fuel purchased!
Yep that literally sucks!
Here are some of the suggestions that I have seen...
Park your vehicle in the shade (supposed to reduce the evaporation of your fuel)
Get fuel when it is cooler outside (the fuel is thicker so you receive more)
Don't fuel up when there is a fuel station truck filling the station's tanks (so you won't get sediment in your fuel tank from the gas station's storage tank)
Unload the junk from your trun (will save you about $50/year)
Don't use the airconditioner (consumes energy)
Do use the airconditioner (on the freeways as open windows cause a drag at higher speeds)
And then those tips that tell you how to restructure your entire life...
Relocate nearer to your job
Don't drive during rush hour
Car Pool
Yeah! A ingenious way to save fuel is to walk!
And a ingenious way to lose weight is to starve!
The only bona fide solution to reduce your fuel consumption, ....Discover How2SaveFuel.Com
Let's review how else you can get, and how quickly you can start noticing it.
* If you are worried that your automobile might not pass the emissions test, such as if your catalytic converter has seen better days, an tired old car, or whatever situation short of a broken engine - any version of the How2SaveFuel system, has this great benefit. It stops le stink! Even with modern car computer systems and virgin catalytic converters, vehicles pollute the environment and poison your body while you drive. With any How2SaveFuel installed, the hazardous wastes will diminish dramatically from the first day, and continue to decrease from there forward.
* This This process just mentioned willtake several days to complete. Best results for smog and engine smoothness can be expected to be achieved in about ({and here I am disadvantaged since I do not know a blessed thing about your automobile) in perhaps two weeks or thereabouts. So if you need to do a smog test, leave the system running for three weeks and then take it for the test. If you have the cashfor two smog checks, have it checked BEFORE installation - then again after three weeks. We would really love to see your written report. If you forward us copies of before & after we'll (a) be your best friend, (b) concoct some special gift for you and (c) enshrine you forever in the How2SaveFuel Hall of Fame someday.
* Another benefit that you will experience over a more extended period of time is inevitable due to the combination of REDUCED ENGINE TEMPERATURE, quieter engine and transmission performance, clean engine parts, etc, will be less money wasted on repairs and maintenance at least engine and transmission related. will be yours and your family's health due to less toxic pollutants in your car's emissions? That's a long term result to your benefit.
* Now let's get down to the nitty gritty - immediate and significant reduction in out-of-pocket expense on GAS.If you have the same consideration that I do, you'd like to drive an automobile that runs for free - RIGHT NOW. Well maybe I do rule the universe after all, my friend, we're getting there. But at this point we're "only" looking at helping you improve your fuel economy in the vicinity of twenty to thirty percent depending on a number of different factors
So how much can you hope to improve your fuel economy? That's hard to give a precise figure on. So many factors are variable But 80% of the vehicles and trucks and SUVs we've installed one version or another of How2SaveFuel in, were able to reduce their fuel consumption between 20% and 37 and even in one case up to 50% more - one that was able to reduce their fuel consumption 50% was doing some very meticulous measuring on his big GMC. So while there can be no specific promises here, you should do your own testing with your new system to maximize the benefits.
Shipping Cars: International Car Shipping
Once you compared the shipping quotes and selected a company to move your car with, you need to deliver it to the loading warehouse or directly to the ocean port. If you are not too far from a major ocean port or a big city - you may just drop off your car yourself. In other case, you can hire any of the automobile transporters to do the job for you. Make certain you pay for door-to-door delivery and note that the ultimate point is an export ocean terminal or loading warehouse of the overseas shippers. When it comes to export shipping, many of the transporters don't want to take the cars to the ports owed to congestions, time-consuming waiting lines and new TWIC card requirements . Ask your overseas shipper if they can furnish the delivery as almost all of them have their preferred vehicle transport companies.
Compulsory Documents for International Car Shipping *** Be sure that you have on hand the original clean title for your vehicle. By "original" I mean that it must be the literal paper title supplied by your state's DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). By "clean" I mean that it mustn't have any unsatisfied liens from the bank, credit union or any other financer. It is a prerequisite issued by the US Customs that all motorized vehicles have to be cleared for export 72 working hours before vessel's sailing date.
Option #1: Shipping Cars in Ocean Container *** Overseas car shippers can usually provide two alternatives for you to get your car to another country: ocean container shipping or roll-on roll-off shipping. If you select ocean container option then the overseas transporter will load and tie down your car inside the ocean container most probably with other freight or cars. This is a low-budget and dependable method because the shipping company will only bill you for space that your vehicle is occupying inside the container. Another positive moment is that the container will be blocked and sealed for the whole duration of the overseas travel.
Option #2: Shipping Cars via Roll-on Roll-off carrier *** With roll-on roll-off (RO-RO) oversea shipping your car will be need to be taken straightaway to the port and then secured inside the special vehicle carrier ship. What it involves is the port longshoremen will drive it onto the vessel at the point of origin and then drive it off the vessel at the point of destination. Your car will not be placed inside a blocked container and it's open for anybody to get inside (that's typically when personal items and accessories go missing). Ro-Ro routes are also restricted in the countries coverage so depending upon your origin & destination this option might not be obtainable for your country. Another note is that ports won't admit non-operable vehicle for roll-on roll-off transport service.
A few days after the vessel sails your international car shipping company will send back the original title to you along with their transportation bill of lading and directions on how to claim your vehicle at the place of arrival. It is always safe to get hold of the overseas port agent beforehand to re-confirm the estimated arrival dates and get the paperwork managed to accelerate the discharge and delivery process of your car.
The Tiger Boxer 250 RS, the Thai All-Rounder bike
Or it used to. Recently the all-rounders have become leaner and more capable. In Thailand the all-rounder bikes come from Tiger Motorcycle, which manufactures the Tiger Boxer 200 R and the Tiger Boxer 250 RS they offer genuine all-day comfort, practicality and ease of use in packages that can also excite.
Tiger Motorcycle's new Tiger Boxer 250 RS follows the trend for taller, more upright all-rounders. It's based on a perky 250cc single cylinder engine, slim flanks, low weight and firm suspension. It has a roomy riding position and ample pillion space to keep it useable. It even has optional hard luggage.
Looking at the Tiger Boxer 250 RS, with its sporty looks, newly designed aluminum swingarm and inverted front forks, it is hard to belief that this motorcycle has no competition on the Thai motorcycle market. The closest rival would be the Kawasaki Nina 250R, but the Kawasaki is more a sportbike, and cost twice as much so the Tiger Boxer 250 RS should be just what you need. That's the theory, anyway. Dicing with traffic, pedestrians and urban chaos is demanding and the Tiger Boxer 250 RS rules in the city, while offering enough power and riding comfort to do some out-of-town touring.
The Tiger Boxer 250 RS shines at his job as all-rounder bike, particularly the engine. The engine can rev remarkable easy, without being to revvy in nature, the 250cc single cylinder give a smooth surge between 6000 to 8500rpm that's perfect at real road speeds.
The Tiger boxer 250 chassis has a similar undemanding character. A light feel and ample leverage from the handlebars gives easy, prompt direction changes – picking off traffic and slipping through congestion is a breeze, especially from the elevated upright riding position.
from : http://www.motorcycle.in.th
Toyota Bina Komunikasi Dengan Pelanggan
Toyota Community Gathering diadakan pertama kali tahun ini, diikuti oleh lebih dari 125 orang dari 6 klub komunitas Toyota, yaitu Avanza Xenia Club (AXIC), Toyota Kijang Club Indonesia (TKCI), Toyota Yaris Club Indonesia (TYCI), Toyota Vios Club Indonesia (TVCI), Innova Community (IC) dan Soluna. Lebih dari 60 mobil Toyota terlibat dalam kegiatan ini.
“Toyota menyadari betul, saat ini yang dibutuhkan pelanggan tidak sekedar pelayanan dan produk berkualitas. Pelanggan juga menginginkan komunikasi 2 arah dengan pihak produsen, serta antar pelanggan itu sendiri. Kami bermaksud mengakomodir kebutuhan itu melalui Community Gathering,” papar Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra Motor, Johnny Darmawan. “Kami bersyukur, upaya Toyota merangkul komunitas pelanggan juga telah mendapatkan pengakuan dari media, salah satunya dalam bentuk penghargaan ATPM Care for Community dari majalah Autobild Indonesia.”
Sebelum memulai perjalanan menuju Ciawi, peserta berkumpul di New Parts Center Toyota di Cibitung yang baru diresmikan pertengahan tahun ini. Di lokasi ini Toyota memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta untuk mengenal dari dekat fasilitas dan sistem baru yang dimiliki Toyota dalam hal penyediaan suku cadang kendaraan, yang pada akhirnya ditujukan bagi kepuasan pelanggan. Sedangkan di Camp Hulu Cai, akan diadakan sharing session serta aneka games outbound.
“Yang membedakan dengan ajang ramah tamah sebelumnya adalah adanya presentasi dan sharing session antar klub pada Sabtu malam dalam suasana api unggun yang akrab. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, komunitas Toyota dapat saling melakukan benchmark untuk peningkatan kualitas masing-masing klub. Dengan mengikuti permainan outbound mereka dapat mempererat kerja sama tim,” tambah Johnny Darmawan. “Pada intinya, Toyota Community Gathering ini adalah kegiatan dari dan untuk komunitas Toyota. Kami hanya sebagai fasilitator saja,” tutupnya.
Toyota berharap kegiatan ini dapat mendukung semakin berkembangnya hubungan baik antar komunitas Toyota, serta memberikan inspirasi kepada pelaku bisnis dan pemasar lainnya, akan pentingnya memperhatian kebutuhan komunikasi horisontal antar pelanggan. /PR
Suzuki Raider Big wheel
Suzuki Raider Big wheel by nah_kub
Toyota di Indonesia-Japan Expo 2008
Dalam kegiatan ini Toyota juga menyelenggarakan seminar bagi kalangan kampus, serta menyerahkan beasiswa dari Yayasan Toyota Astra (YTA). Tahun ini (2008-2009) beasiswa diberikan kepada 3.691 siswa SD-SMA, serta 812 mahasiswa S1 dan S2. Pemberian beasiswa telah dilakukan sejak 1976 dan kini YTA menganggarkan 4 – 4,5 milyar rupiah setiap tahunnya.
Partisipasi Toyota (sekarang PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia dan PT Toyota-Astra Motor) dalam Indonesia-Japan Expo dilatarbelakangi keinginan untuk mempererat hubungan bilateral kedua negara dan mengembangkan potensi-potensi baru dalam jaringan perusahaan maupun pemerintahannya.
“Posisi Toyota dalam pasar otomotif nasional saat ini tidak mungkin dapat diraih tanpa dukungan hubungan baik Indonesia dengan Jepang. Dan sebaliknya, kehadiran Toyota di Indonesia juga menjadi salah satu tonggak berkembangnya hubungan baik kedua negara. Karena itu, kami merasa berbesar hati dapat berpartisipasi dalam eksebisi ini,” ungkap Johnny Darmawan (Presiden Direktur PT TAM & Wakil Presiden Direktur PT TMMIN) mewakili Toyota.
“Jika dalam kegiatan lainnya kami lebih banyak memperkenalkan produk, melalui stand dan seminar yang diadakan dalam Indonesia-Japan Expo ini, kami ingin masyarakat berkesempatan untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang Toyota di Indonesia, dan bagaimana Toyota tumbuh bersama dengan bangsa ini,” tambahnya.
Stand Toyota terbagi menjadi 3 area, yaitu area produk, profil dan sejarah Toyota di Indonesia, serta area yang memaparkan beberapa kontribusi sosial Toyota kepada masyarakat.
Dalam area Product, pengunjung dapat melihat kendaraan legendaris Toyota Kijang generasi pertama dan kelima, lengkap dengan gambaran perjalanan dan milestone-nya. Toyota Kijang pada awalnya adalah kendaraan yang dikembangkan untuk menjawab dorongan pemerintah akan pembuatan Kendaraan Bermotor Niaga Sederhana, dan dalam perkembangannya telah memberikan sumbangan tak kecil dalam perkembangan industri, teknologi dan pasar alat transportasi nasional.
Angka kandungan lokal Kijang Innova yang kini mencapai 75% merupakan bukti nyata keseriusan Toyota dalam merangkul pemasok lokal dalam kualitas produk global. Toyota juga memamerkan generasi terbaru kendaraan fenomenal, New Avanza, yang mencatatkan rekor penjualan lebih dari 270ribu unit dalam waktu kurang dari 5 tahun.
Sedangkan dalam area Toyota Profile and History, terdapat panel-panel yang mengisahkan perjalanan Toyota di Indonesia, filosofi perusahaan, pabrik dan fasilitas, prestasi penjualan domestik maupun ekspor, wujud transfer teknologi, serta bentuk dukungan Toyota akan pengembangan pemasok lokal serta tenaga kerja.
Sekali lagi pengunjung dapat melihat bukti komitmen Toyota dalam menyokong berkembangnya sosial ekonomi negara kita, dalam bentuk investasi yang diguyurkan, pemberdayaan manusia, sumbangan devisa, pertumbuhan penjualan yang berdampak positif pada ekonomi nasional, dll. Berbagai inovasi dilakukan Toyota demi semakin memuaskan pelanggan sekaligus menjawab kebutuhan pasar, misalnya dengan melakukan kolaborasi atau pendirian Spare Parts Center terbesar di Indonesia.
Contoh kontribusi sosial Toyota sebagai pelaku industri yang bertanggung jawab kepada masyarakat dapat dilihat di area Corporate Social Responsibility. Program-program yang merupakan bentuk kepedulian akan lingkungan maupun masyarakat, seperti Hutan Toyota, Toyota Eco Youth dan T-TEP (Toyota Technical Education Program), serta kendaraan hybrid Toyota Prius dipajang di area ini untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi pengunjung mengenal lebih jauh kegiatan-kegiatan Toyota di luar produksi dan penjualan mobil.
Untuk memperkenalkan filosofi dan teknologinya lebih jauh, Toyota juga merangkul komunitas kampus dalam seminar pada tanggal 5 dan 6 November yang mengetengahkan 3 topik, yaitu : Toyota Way & Toyota Production System, Toyota in Indonesia, serta Advanced Technology & Environmentally-Friendly Vehicle. Dalam seminar ini, tak henya mempelajari teori, peserta juga dapat merasakan langsung keistimewaan Toyota Production System melalui simulasi dan praktek.
Toyota berharap gaung dari event positif ini tidak tenggelam dalam euphoria entertainmen yang ada, namun juga memberikan benefit yang nyata pada kedua negara atas hubungan baik yg telah terbina, serta semakin memotivasi masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada bangsa dan negara. /PR
Toyota Team Indonesia Kukuhkan Prestasi di Slalom dan Touring
Di kejuaraan ini Toyota Yaris membuktikan diri sebagai kendaraan yang cocok untuk anak muda, karena selain konsumsi bahan bakarnya sangat efisien, juga memiliki performa yang terbukti di ajang balap slalom. Sedang di arena Fastron Pertamax Indonesia Touring Car Championship, dengan mengusung Toyota Yaris dan Toyota Vios, hingga seri kelima TTI tetap memimpin kejuaraan dengan para pembalapnya Haridharma Manopo (Hari) di kelas kelas Grand Touring Car Championship (GTCC) dan Renaldo P.Koesoemo (Aldo) yang turun di kelas Indonesia Touring Car Championship (ITCC).
Di ajang Djarum Black Night Slalom 2008 seri kedelapan, pembalap Anggana OHP yang tergabung dalam TTI Slalom berhasil meraih podium utama untuk kelas A1 dengan catatan waktu terbaik dengan total waktu 1:32:88. Kelas A1 merupakan kelas bergengsi di kejuaraan slalom, karena kelas ini memperlombakan mobil-mobil pabrikan yang diproduksi tahun 2000 ke atas, standar pabrik (tanpa modifikasi pada mesin dan sistem rem), dan merupakan kendaraan berpenggerak roda depan.
Pada kelas Seeded B dan kelas F, pembalap Andry SA dari TTI juga berhasil menjadi yang terbaik dengan catatan waktu 1:37:72 dan 1:36:65. Sementara itu pada kelas wanita, pembalap belia berbakat tim TTI, Alinka Hardianti mampu menunjukkan kemampuannnya dengan berhasil menyabet juara pertama dengan perolehan waktu 1:40:64.
Sedangkan pembalap senor nasional, James Sanger, dipastikan menjadi Juara Nasional setelah pada seri kedelapan ini mampu menunjukkan performanya yang bagus sehingga total poin nya tidak dapat dikejar lagi oleh lawan-lawannya.
”Tahun ini merupakan tahun perdana bagi kami untuk turun secara serius pada event slalom. Dan di tahun pertama kami inilah , TTI mampu mengantarkan pembalapnya menjadi juara nasional. Dengan Toyota yaris yang memiliki performa yang bagus, kami yakin akan dapat terus berprestasi di ajang kejuaraan slalom ini. ” ujar Achmad Rizal, Direktur TTI.
Mengomentari mengenai hasil balap seri kedelapan hari ini, Rizal dan Memet sepakat persiapan teknis yang lebih matang serta evaluasi untuk meraih hasil yang lebih maksimal pada seri-seri berikutnya masih tetap diperlukan. ”Prestasi yang telah kami raih sejauh ini merupakan buah dari kerja keras seluruh tim. Jadi, ajang kali ini juga sekaligus menunjukkan bagaimana TTI yang merupakan pendatang baru, memiliki kinerja yang kompak”
Kekompakan tim yang didukung oleh Tim mekanik yang terampil juga merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam menjaga kualitas tim, dan TTI diperkuat oleh tim mekanik yang dipimpin oleh Usman Adhi. Prestasi TTI menyabet juara pertama pada seri ini memang merupakan perpaduan antara keunggulan produk, kehebatan pembalap dan kekompakan di sirkuit. Dan ini menjadi pembuktian nyata kualitas serta performa Toyota Yaris yang menggunakan mesin INZ-FE dengan teknologi VVT-I. /PR
Toyota Terus Pimpin Pasar Otomotif Nasional
Untuk kelas sedan, pada September Toyota berhasil mencatat total penjualan sebesar 2.024 unit, meningkat 164,4% dibandingkan pada periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya (2007). Di segmen mini sedan Vios berhasil membukukan angka penjualan sebesar 1.632 unit, meningkat 32,8% dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya. Meningkatnya penjualan Vios dikarenakan semakin diminatinya Vios yang didukung dengan performa yang bagus dan konsumsi bahan bakar yang irit. Toyota All New Camry juga berhasil meningkatkan angka penjualannya sebesar 10,7% dengan penjualan sebesar 270 unit.
Sedang Toyota Yaris, sebagai kendaraan anak muda, berhasil membukukan angka penjualan 1.075 unit atau meningkat sebesar 65,1% dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya. Avanza juga berhasil mencatat angka penjualan sebesar 7.830 unit, meningkat dari bulan sebelumnya yang mencatatkan penjualan sebesar 7.742 unit.
Untuk kelas komersial, di bulan September ini Toyota berhasil mencatatkan total penjualan sebesar 1.623 unit dengan produk-produk andalannya seperti Hilux dan truk Dyna yang berhasil mencatatkan kenaikan sebesar 153,1% dibandingkan periode bulan September pada tahun 2007.
“Pencapaian bulan September ini sangat menggembirakan, hasil ini terus mengukuhkan Toyota sebagai pemimpin pasar otomotif nasional. Meski tantangan kedepan semakin banyak, namun kami tetap yakin dan optimis untuk menghadapi pasar otomotif nasional kedepan serta terus memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik dan kebahagiaan bagi semua”. papar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra Motor. /PR
Kijang Blog Competition Winner
”Kijang Blog Competition ini merupakan salah satu wujud apresiasi Toyota terhadap kegemaran blogger community dalam menuangkan ide-ide kreatif dan pengalaman menarik mereka melalui blog,” jelas Widyawati, General Manager MP&CR, PT. Toyota Astra Motor.
Dewan juri yang terdiri dari Antyo Retjoko (Pendiri Dagdigdug.com, sekaligus blogger kenamaan Indonesia ), Fira Basuki (Penulis Buku, editor majalah, dan seorang blogger), Widyawati (General Manager MP&CR PT. Toyota Astra Motor), mengumumkan empat pemenang setelah sebelumnya mengumumkan daftar finalis terpilih pada akhir Agustus lalu.
Wuri Yulianto, dengan blognya yang berjudul ”Dieng-Negeri di Atas Awan” sebagai pemenang pertama yang berhak atas hadiah utama berupa paket liburan sekeluarga (4 orang) ke Disneyland Hongkong. Sementara Galih Satriaji, dengan ”Jalan-Jalan Lebak Banten: Pantai Malingping”, Djoko Santoso dengan ”Piknik ke Gunung Halimun”, dan Syarifuddin dengan ”Snorkeling With Kijang” sebagai pemenang Blog Inspiratif dan berhak atas satu unit handphone Nokia N95.
Selain hadiah utama dan hadiah kategori Blog Inspiratif, setiap minggunya juga dibagikan hadiah mingguan menarik bagi pemenang mingguan.
”Kompetisi semacam ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu sarana para blogger untuk mengekspresikan ide dan pengalaman mereka, dan diharapkan blog akan lebih berkembang serta menjadi salah satu media yang diakui,” tambah Widyawati. /PR
Toyota Pimpin Pasar Otomotif Nasional
Untuk kelas sedan, di bulan Agustus ini Toyota berhasil mencatatkan total penjualan sebesar 1.645 unit, meningkat 140,7% dibandingkan pada periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya (2007). Di segmen mini sedan Vios berhasil membukukan angka penjualan sebesar 1.230 unit.
Di kelas 4x2 non-komersial , Toyota berhasil membukukan total penjualan sebesar 15.344 unit, meningkat 137,4% dibandingkan periode yang sama pada tahun 2007. Penjualan Fortuner berhasil mencapai angka penjualan 838 unit. Sedangkan Rush berhasil mencatatkan angka penjualan sebesar 1.648 unit atau tumbuh sebesar 128,1 % dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya.
Selain itu, Toyota tetap menjadi pemimpin pasar dengan produk-produk unggulannya seperti Avanza dan Kijang Innova. Di bulan Agustus ini Avanza berhasil mencatatkan angka penjualan sebesar 7.742 unit. Sedangkan Kijang Innova tetap memimpin dikelasnya dengan penjualan sebesar 4.437 unit.
Untuk kelas komersial, di bulan Agustus ini Toyota berhasil mencatatkan total penjualan sebesar 1.765 unit dengan produk-produk andalannya seperti Hilux dan truk Dyna yang berhasil mencatatkan kenaikan sebesr 162,4% dibandingkan periode bulan Agustus pada tahun 2007.
“Pencapaian bulan Agustus ini sangat menggembirakan, hasil ini terus mengukuhkan Toyota sebagai pemimpin pasar otomotif nasional. Kami semakin yakin dan optimis untuk menghadapi tantangan otomotif nasional kedepan serta terus memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik dan kebahagiaan bagi semua”. papar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra Motor.
Toyota Kijang 8 Kali Raih Diamond ICSA Award
Penghargaan ICSA Award ini diberikan sebagai apresiasi kepada produk-produk dari berbagai kategori di Indonesia, yang dinilai berhasil memberikan kepuasan di mata masyarakat. Penghargaan bergengsi ini diberikan berdasarkan survey Frontier Consulting Group bekerja sama dengan majalah SWA di Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar dan Medan, yang melibatkan 10.500 responden, terdiri dari 9.000 responden random ditambah 1.500 responden booster, dengan pertanyaan seputar pengalaman para responden dalam menggunakan produk dan jasa terkait.
Parameter dari penilaiannya meliputi Quality Satisfaction Score (QSS), Value Satisfaction Score (VSS), Perceived Best Score (PBS) dan Expectation Score (ES).
”Kami sangat bersyukur atas penghargaan ini dan berterima kasih kepada para pelanggan atas kepercayaannya selama ini kepada Toyota. Penghargaan ini mengukuhkan Kijang sebagai kendaraan keluarga yang paling ideal untuk keluarga Indonesia”, ucap Benny Redjo Setyono , Direktur Keuangan dan Administrasi PT Toyota-Astra Motor, seusai menerima penghargaan Diamond ICSA Award.
Toyota Kijang memperoleh Total Satisfaction Score (TSS) yang jauh melebihi para pesaingnya dengan nilai 4.525. Selain itu pada ICSA Award tahun ini, produk Toyota yang berhasil mendapatkan nilai yang baik adalah Toyota Avanza yang berada di posisi ketiga untuk kategori kendaraan MPV. Sedangkan untuk kelas sedan, Toyota VIOS memperoleh nilai diatas rata-rata industri dengan nilai 3.950 (industri : 3.938). Untuk kelas SUV, Toyota Rush juga berhasil memperoleh angka diatas rata-rata industri yaitu sebesar 4.135 dibandingkan rata-rata industri sebesar 3.968.
“Kepuasan pelanggan merupakan hal yang utama bagi Toyota, dan kami sangat bersyukur atas Diamond ICSA Award ini. Hal ini akan menjadi pemacu kami untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik bagi pelangggan kami untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik dan kebahagiaan bagi semua,” komentar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra motor. /PR
VIOS Dominasi Pasar Mini Sedan
Total penjualan nasional selama bulan Agustus 2008 adalah 58.489 unit, meningkat 141% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Dilihat dari komposisi market, Toyota stabil pada peringkat pertama dengan penjualan mencapai 18.804 unit, disusul oleh Mitsubishi (9.033 unit) dan Daihatsu (7.588 unit).
Lebih lanjut tentang penjualan Toyota pada segmen sedan bulan Agustus 2008, dibandingkan bulan yang sama tahun sebelumnya, Toyota telah mencatatkan kenaikan hingga 140,2%. Kenaikan tersebut lebih besar daripada yang dialami oleh oleh pasar segmen sedan secara nasional, yaitu sebesar 111,3%. Komposisi 3 besar pasar sedan pada bulan Agustus ini adalah Toyota (50,8%), Honda (29,8%), serta Mercedes (5,6%).
Di bulan Agustus ini, Vios mendominasi pasar mini sedan meninggalkan para pesaingnya dengan komposisi pangsa pasar yaitu Vios (55,9%), City (36,2%) dan Baleno (4,1%).
“Dominasi Vios di pasar mini sedan membuktikan bahwa Vios adalah mini sedan yang sangat diminati oleh para konsumen, dengan performa yang bagus dengan dukungan mesin 1NZ-FE yang telah dibuktikan di arena balap, serta konsumsi bahan bakar yang irit, menjadikan Vios sebagai pilihan utama bagi para konsumen yang menginginkan sedan irit tapi berperforma tinggi”. papar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra Motor.
Segmen Kendaraan Non-Komersial
Pasar Sedan
Bulan Agustus 2008, di kelas mini sedan Vios mencatatkan penjualan sebesar 522 unit (55,9% m/s). Camry menjadi market leader di kelasnya dengan penjualan mencapai 245 unit (38,1% m/s).
Pasar Kendaraan 4x2
Di kelas 4x2 Low, Avanza tetap memimpin dengan pangsa pasar mencapai 52,9%. Demikian pula Kijang Innova, dengan pangsa pasar 60% di kelas 4x2 Medium MPV. Rush berhasil memimpin pasar 4x2 Medium SUV dengan jumlah unit 1.648.
Pasar Kendaraan 4x4
Produk Toyota di segmen ini, Toyota Fortuner 4x4, tetap menjadi market leader di kelas Medium dengan pangsa pasar 36% pada bulan Agustus 2008.
Segmen Kendaraan Komersial
Penjualan nasional di pasar kendaraan komersial bulan Agustus 2008 mencapai 18.386 unit, di mana Toyota menguasai 9,6% pasar dengan penjualan 1.765 unit. Toyota Dyna adalah penyumbang terbesar penjualan Toyota di pasar ini dengan angka 1.200 unit atau 17% market share kelas truk 2 ton, selain itu Hilux menguasai 19,4% pasar kelas 4x2 Medium Pick-Up dengan penjualan mencapai 565 unit. /PR
Scooter Review, Gilera Fuoco 500cc
Words by Alec Simpson, Photography by Lou Martin
Its not often I look at a bike or scooter and imagine what kind of animal it could be, but when I saw the Gilera Fuoco in the flesh I immediately thought its appearance reminded me of a warthog.
The Gilera Fuoco, like the Piaggio MP3 whose front suspension it shares, carries a lot of visual bulk at the front – the two independently suspended front wheels and their electro-hydraulic tilt system are covered by a sort of monster proboscis. On the Gilera Fuoco that bulk is the location for four headlights, a central running light, a steel tube bull-bar and painted perforated metal radiator protectors.
It makes quite an impression and looks much better in the flesh than in the photographs.
The tough bull-barred look reflects what this machine is, the scooterist’s equivalent of an urban assault vehicle, while the extensive steel rails that run right around the back of the scooter provide excellent places to tie things down, meaning you will be able to strap on the bazooka no problem. The utilitarian theme is carried through to the footboards, which are covered in aluminium checquerplate, while the exposed handlebars are nicely finished in satin silver.
While the looks might take some getting used to, the riding doesn’t. This is an incredible machine and, like the Piaggio MP3, re-writes how scooters can feel and handle in the real world of midcorner gravel patches, tram tracks and slippery bitumen banding.
Power is provided by a 493cc fuel-injected single producing 29.4kW at 7250rpm. It is enough to propel the Fuoco to a top speed of about 150km/h. The drive is handled through a CVT and while the 244kg weight dents performance off the line, it’s no slouch once underway.
Longer and heavier than the Piaggio MP3 on which it is based, the Fuoco is much more composed when encountering mid-corner bumps. The MP3 with its softer set-up and smaller rear wheel can wallow, while the firmer suspension and more rigid swingarm of the Fuoco controls any pitching or wallowing movement much more quickly. This means that it handles better at speed, while retaining the incredible roadholding introduced with the MP3.
Initial impressions when riding the Fuoco are that the steering is heavier than a normal scooter, but this is soon forgotten as the
Fuoco responds to steering inputs as well as anything else. There is a switch on the right-hand switchblock that allows you to lock the front suspension at very low speeds, which means you don’t have to put your feet down when you stop. A light flashes on the dashboard to let you know when you are in the speed range that allows it.
Accelerating away releases the lock so there is no danger you will arrive at the next corner unable to turn.
The two front tyres provide excellent grip under brakes and, combined with triple discs, ensure short stopping distances. Unlike the MP3, the Fuoco runs a 140/70x14-inch rear tyre, but retains the same 120/70x12-inch front rubber. When braking hard mid-corner it does require a firm effort to keep it from standing up under brakes and you can feel the suspension struggling to cope through the bars, but you are able to push the front much more than you would on anything else.
Ground clearance is limited by the centrestand, but dragging the undercarriage doesn’t unsettle the scoot, and as the Fuoco is capable of being parked without it – you could easily take it off if cornering was your primary objective. My brief run combined some city traffic mayhem, speed limit monotony and some excellent winding open roads.
I have not experienced such confidence-inspiring front-end grip on a scooter before.
In fact, the front end works so well that I was going out of my way to try to upset it. When I was turning off main roads on to smaller ones
I made a point of riding over the gravel build-up off the wheeltracks; when I was on the freeway I rode into the emergency lane to see if the lane’s height difference upset it; but it was all in vain, even riding off a footpath was gentle experience if taken one wheel at a time.
Other neat touches include a sensor in the seat that prevents the front suspension unlocking when the engine is running unless someone is sitting on it. This should stop curious passers-by sending your parked and idling scooter down the road with no rider. The underseat storage is generous, holding a full-face helmet, while next to the light a 12v accessory outlet is provided. Importantly the shopping bag hook remains on the front legshield.
I was fortunate to ride both the Piaggio MP3 and Gilera Fuoco back to back, and without a doubt the Gilera Fuoco is my scooter of the year. Nothing comes close to providing the security and speed this machine offers over treacherous surfaces. The feathering of the tyres testament to how much load can be carried through corners. For experienced riders it’s a complete giggle and feels uncrashable; for the inexperienced or riders lacking in confidence it will provide levels of roadholding unmatched by other scooters. This is one warthog that won’t be scratching around in the dirt. Sensational.
Yamaha TMAX 500 , Yamaha Australia
Yamaha TMAX 500
Yamaha TMAX Revolution in 2008!
New TMAX extends its brief for 2008 with less weight, sleeker design and even sportier performance
Yamaha Australia
When Yamaha’s original TMAX hit the road in 2001 it changed the scooter world overnight.
For the very first time here was a large-capacity scooter that offered a passionate mix of exhilarating sports bike performance combined with scooter sophistication and functionality. The orginal TMAX started a scooter revolution.
The TMAX is an amazing fusion – a maxi-scooter that is big fun to ride on any kind of road – totally at home on city streets, on twisting country roads and in themotorway fast lane. So it was no surprise that so many riders fell in love with its intoxicating blend of performance and practicality, discovering that one bike really can do it all.
The 2008 TMAX takes that concept to the next level: it’s lighter and sleeker in design, with top performance from its powerful, hi-tech 499cc twin-cylinder engine. And the ride quality is improved along with increased agility, comfort, enhanced everyday convenience and upgraded environmental friendliness.
TMAX has the power to change lives with its awesomely versatile performance because flexibility means freedom to untangle oneself from the complexities of a busy modern lifestyle. Wherever you’re going in life, TMAX will take you there with a smile on your face.
The 2008 TMAX features radical new sports styling with sleek, sculpted bodywork, eye-grabbing headlight design and remarkable new muffler design that accentuate the original model’s image of sports performance and sophistication and maintain the machine’s impressive compactness.
The brilliantly avant-garde design retains the TMAX’s signature boomerang-shaped side covers and features elements of the ‘mass forward’ styling used inYamaha street bikes and supersport bikes to emphasise the TMAX’s front-biased weight distribution that promotes excellent rider control. Lighter body parts also contribute to the 2008 model’s 5kg weight reduction, and the new bodywork improves stability in side winds.
Of course, the new body keeps the weather at bay brilliantly, keeping the rider’s upper body, arms, legs and feet away from the wind and rain. And the new design windscreen is easily detachable to allow quick changes from the standard screen to a short sports screen (especially good for urban riding), which is available as
genuine Yamaha accessories.
The 2008 TMAX also features a classy new dash panel that offers all the information you need in an easy-to-read format. The triple instruments house analogue speedo, fuel gauge and temperature gauge plus digital clock.
2008 TMAX styling highlights
• Radical new sports styling with smooth, sculpted bodywork
• Eye-grabbing dual headlight design
• Remarkable new muffler design contributes to sleek, sporty look
• Lighter body parts contribute to 5kg weight reduction
• New bodywork improves stability in side winds
• Easily detachable windscreen
2008 TMAX chassis
The new TMAX was created for the street, for riders who want a sophisticated urban performer that can exhilarate like a motorcycle when pointed down twisting
country roads and wide-open motorways. But our commitment to the sports capabilities of this machine required that our development programme also included track-testing sessions.
Yamaha test riders evaluated the new TMAX on track to ensure that its all-new aluminium frame allows the machine to handle, steer and grip the road like a sports bike. The new frame, which replaces the original tubular steel unit, is constructed from a mix of extruded aluminium sections and cast aluminium sections formed by
Yamaha’s exclusive CF die-casting technology. This composite design allowed our engineers to create a lighter frame with an ideal rigidity balance that delivers both excellent handling characteristics and a superbly comfortable ride. The rigidity balance was fine-tuned during the development process, with the thickness of the aluminium sections changed time and again to achieve the perfect compromise between handling performance, stability and comfort.
The TMAX suspension settings have been retuned to complement the new frame’s superb performance.
Complementing the new frame is a 15-inch front wheel (previous models featured a 14-inch front) which delivers a more stable and more comfortable ride, especially over rougher road surfaces. Both front and rear wheels are of a classy new hollow three-spoke design in aluminium alloy, just like you’d find on a performance sports bike. The new TMAX also features wider diameter front forks (43mm, up from 41mm) and a 5mm longer wheelbase (1580mm, up from 1575mm) for surer handling and stability.
The result of these upgrades is a superbly neutral handling character that gives the rider that life-affirming sports bike sensation of controlling a machine that goes exactly where you point it, plus impressive stability at speed.
If the TMAX specs keep reminding you of a sports bike that’s no surprise because this is a scooter engineered like a sports bike. The TMAX braking system was always impressive – triple hydraulic disc brakes for stopping on a dime – but the 2008 model takes the sports spec another step forward with monobloc four-piston front brake calipers (with span-adjustable brake levers) for even more impressive stopping performance.
The 2008 TMAX weighs an impressive 5kg less than its predecessor thanks to a full range of weight-reducing measures right across the chassis, from the aluminium frame to the revised bodywork.
2008 TMAX chassis highlights
• All-new aluminium frame
• Optimised suspension settings for even better handling
• 15-inch front wheel, new design alloy wheels
• Larger diameter front fork (from 41mm to 43mm)
• Overall weight reduced by 5kg
2008 TMAX engine features
That original TMAX looked very much like a scooter but its engine performance made it much more than that. Like the TMAX itself, the hi-tech engine has a dual nature – beautifully mild-mannered on the one hand but capable of mightily impressive performance on the other!
The TMAX’s impressive 499cc twin-cylinder engine offers the kind of performance that won’t disappoint experienced sports bike riders.
Featuring digital fuel injection, four valves per cylinder and a compression ratio of 11.0:1, the TMAX delivers brilliant acceleration for swift urban getaways and effortless overtaking. And an inbuilt balancer shaft ensures silky smooth cruising.
The 2008 TMAX engine features a host of detail refinements designed to improve overall efficiency and therefore simultaneously enhance performance and environmental friendliness. Most importantly, engineers worked on the fuel injection mapping, air intake, combustion chamber and exhaust system to achieve a
beautifully balanced engine with crisp throttle response and user- friendly power delivery that perfectly matches the chassis character and the fully automatic transmission system.
The air intake improvements came courtesy of the aluminium frame, which allows the air cleaner to be mounted closer to the engine for increased intake efficiency. The latest TMAX also features a dramatic new sports muffler design that contributes to the 2008 model’s sleek, sporty styling and includes increased catalytic
converter capacity for cleaner emissions to EU3 standards.
2008 TMAX engine highlights
• Revised fuel injection mapping, air intake and exhaust
• Improved engine efficiency delivers more performance and fewer
• Remarkable new muffler design contributes to sleek, sporty look
• Increase catalytic converter capacity also improves
environmental friendliness
• Forward inclined angle of the cylinders with reciprocating
balancer delivers compact, low centre of gravity, and low
• Digital fuel injection means superb power characteristics
• Fully auto transmission means hassle-free, twist-and-go riding
2008 TMAX comfort and convenience features
At the heart of the TMAX’s dual nature is its ability to combine sports performance with class-leading scooter comfort and convenience. This is a scooter that’s built to keep not one but two people happy with deluxe comfort for rider and passenger that would shame some tourers.
The two-step dual seat has been reprofiled for improved leg reach to the ground and thus enhanced low-speed control and confidence.
The sumptuously padded unit is as hugely accommodating and supporting as ever, with plenty of room for rider and passenger to remain comfortable even on longer trips. The seat also features a new, dual-textured material for added comfort. Sturdy alloy Developed for duality: TMAX offers the best of both sport and convenience worlds grabrails ensure that the passenger feels confident and secure at all times.
The practicalities of everyday life were a major consideration in this TMAX redesign, so the 2008 model features several detail improvements for added convenience. The new bodywork includes a second glovebox just below the left handlebar, handy for carrying coins for tolls, parking tickets or other small items. The new aluminium frame also freed up more space for the fuel tank which is now almost seven percent bigger than that featured on previous models, up one litre to 15 litres for improved range and thus less need for fuel stops. And a new seat hinging system makes it easier to pack and unpack the underseat locker.
2008 TMAX comfort and convenience highlights
• Reprofiled seat for improved low-speed control and confidence
• Lighter sculpted bodywork
• Better resistance to side winds
• Extra glovebox within bodywork
• Larger fuel tank capacity
• New seat hinging system for easier packing/unpacking
• Standard fitment immobiliser for added security
TMAX – the background story
The TMAX was unveiled to the European press in Italy, during July 2000 and went on sale the following year. The machine was acclaimed by everyone who rode it and very soon there were many imitations, but none have been able to match its unique blend of sporty sensation and deluxe ride. Yamaha has a unique feel for this sector of the market because the original maxi-scooter was Yamaha’s Majesty 250, launched in 1994.
The T of TMAX stands for twin, as in twin-cylinder scooter, but also for twin as in dual purpose. This is a unique creation that’s more like two machines, each with its own job: to excite you like a motorcycle and to be as easy to live with as a scooter. There is a real art to creating a machine that can do it all. You could even argue that it’s a more complex task than designing a machine that’s focused on just one type of riding, like a supersport bike or a cruiser.
The 2008 TMAX continues the original theme of duality, its in- depth development programme was conceived to enhance its commuter functionality, sports bike performance, tourer comfort and environmental credentials.