If you have a vehicle that you are going to need to store for a while whether it be for an extended period of time or you are storing a vehicle for seasonal use there are several things you must do to protect it. These steps will ensure protection for your automobile and insure it will be ready for use when you retrieve it. Taking the time to prepare your car right will save you a lot of grief and money later on.
The first and most critical step is to find a suitable location for long term storage. The location should be secure, dry and clean. Make sure the storage place is dry and free of moisture. Moisture, humidity and condensation are the biggest hazards to exterior, interior and engine. Rust and corrosion can form on exposed metal and mold and mildew can grow in the interior as well. The best place is a climate contolled storage facility.
Believe it or not you are also going to have to protect your vehicle from rodents. Storage or not, rats do get in and they can wreak havoc and destroy the wiring system. They can also get into the interior and build nests there. One option is to place rat poison or some other pest control device around the car. If the storage unit has power you could get a noise box that repels rats and mice. You can buy them at your local hardware store. These are very safe and will not hurt pets or children.
If you are having a difficult time finding the perfect location to store your vehicle then you should know that there are places that offer automobile storage. These service providers will offer you a dependable storing space to store your automobile. They are very much dedicated to take extra care of your vehicle, so that you will never have any problem to put it on the wheels again, once it is out of the store. The competitive affordable price range helps you to be economical, too. Finally, you can have your peace of mind by knowing the fact that your vehicle is in a safe and secured place.
Now that you have selected the perfect location in which to store your vehicle you have to now prepare the car for storage. Step one is to change the oil and replace it with a synthetic. Changing the oil before storage will reduce moisture in the system and help prevent corrosion in the engine. The reason for synthetic oil is because of the coating properties and it will not break down as quickly as conventional oil.
You must completely fill the gas tank. Many people siphon out the gas and leave the tank empty. This is not correct nor is it a good idea because the moisture left in the empty tank will encourage rust. Fill the tank as high as you can and leave it. This will prevent moisture from forming and prevent rust accumulation. It is also a good idea to add in a gas stabilizer as well.
Next stop, the battery! The next step is the battery. If the vehicle is in for short term storage, you may want to hook up battery charger to the battery. This will insure all electrical equipment like stereo will have power and any saved settings will be there when you return. For longer periods of time, remove the battery. Batteries can crack and leak acid everywhere. In this case it is best to just remove it and replace it when you return.
Next, it is time to prepare the external weather stripping and tires. The best product to use for this is lithium grease. Stay away from petroleum based products. They will eventually dry out and crack the rubber. To apply the grease, spray it on a rag first and then wipe it on the tires and weather stripping. Be sure to cover the gaskets in the doors, sunroof and trunk. For the interior, use a leather or vinyl conditioner. This will safeguard these surfaces from cracking and drying.
The last step is to thoroughly clean the exterior. After you have washed it, apply a coat of wax and buff it out. If you have an air buffer, this process will be a lot easier and will be more effective. Then cover the car with a good quality car cover. If you follow these basic steps, your expensive automobile should be in the same shape you left it before your journey.
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