Certainly if you have been searching for tips for improving your fuel mileagethen you have seen some of the tips I am going to list here.
What is fascinating is that there can be so many suggestions to reduce your fuel consumption. This is because the average automobile uses only 20% or so of the fuel purchased!
Yep that literally sucks!
Here are some of the suggestions that I have seen...
Park your vehicle in the shade (supposed to reduce the evaporation of your fuel)
Get fuel when it is cooler outside (the fuel is thicker so you receive more)
Don't fuel up when there is a fuel station truck filling the station's tanks (so you won't get sediment in your fuel tank from the gas station's storage tank)
Unload the junk from your trun (will save you about $50/year)
Don't use the airconditioner (consumes energy)
Do use the airconditioner (on the freeways as open windows cause a drag at higher speeds)
And then those tips that tell you how to restructure your entire life...
Relocate nearer to your job
Don't drive during rush hour
Car Pool
Yeah! A ingenious way to save fuel is to walk!
And a ingenious way to lose weight is to starve!
The only bona fide solution to reduce your fuel consumption, ....Discover How2SaveFuel.Com
Let's review how else you can get, and how quickly you can start noticing it.
* If you are worried that your automobile might not pass the emissions test, such as if your catalytic converter has seen better days, an tired old car, or whatever situation short of a broken engine - any version of the How2SaveFuel system, has this great benefit. It stops le stink! Even with modern car computer systems and virgin catalytic converters, vehicles pollute the environment and poison your body while you drive. With any How2SaveFuel installed, the hazardous wastes will diminish dramatically from the first day, and continue to decrease from there forward.
* This This process just mentioned willtake several days to complete. Best results for smog and engine smoothness can be expected to be achieved in about ({and here I am disadvantaged since I do not know a blessed thing about your automobile) in perhaps two weeks or thereabouts. So if you need to do a smog test, leave the system running for three weeks and then take it for the test. If you have the cashfor two smog checks, have it checked BEFORE installation - then again after three weeks. We would really love to see your written report. If you forward us copies of before & after we'll (a) be your best friend, (b) concoct some special gift for you and (c) enshrine you forever in the How2SaveFuel Hall of Fame someday.
* Another benefit that you will experience over a more extended period of time is inevitable due to the combination of REDUCED ENGINE TEMPERATURE, quieter engine and transmission performance, clean engine parts, etc, will be less money wasted on repairs and maintenance at least engine and transmission related. will be yours and your family's health due to less toxic pollutants in your car's emissions? That's a long term result to your benefit.
* Now let's get down to the nitty gritty - immediate and significant reduction in out-of-pocket expense on GAS.If you have the same consideration that I do, you'd like to drive an automobile that runs for free - RIGHT NOW. Well maybe I do rule the universe after all, my friend, we're getting there. But at this point we're "only" looking at helping you improve your fuel economy in the vicinity of twenty to thirty percent depending on a number of different factors
So how much can you hope to improve your fuel economy? That's hard to give a precise figure on. So many factors are variable But 80% of the vehicles and trucks and SUVs we've installed one version or another of How2SaveFuel in, were able to reduce their fuel consumption between 20% and 37 and even in one case up to 50% more - one that was able to reduce their fuel consumption 50% was doing some very meticulous measuring on his big GMC. So while there can be no specific promises here, you should do your own testing with your new system to maximize the benefits.
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