Kijang Blog Competition Winner

PT Toyota Astra Motor mengumumkan secara resmi pemenang Kijang Blog Competition di Mal Pondok Indah Jakarta. 4 pemenang terpilih dari 95 peserta berhak mendapatkan hadiah menarik dari Toyota. Kompetisi ini merupakan salah satu upaya Toyota dalam meangapresiasi kegemaran blogger community dalam menuangkan ide-ide yang kreatif dan pengalaman menarik mereka melalui blog.

Dalam kompetisi yang diselenggarakan sejak 02 Juni-31 Juli 2008 ini para blogger menuliskan pengalaman pribadi mereka berkendara dengan Kijang. Tulisan tersebut merupakan tulisan yang diposting pada periode yang telah ditentukan, dan didaftarkan melalui website, untuk kemudian dinilai berdasarkan beberapa kriteria, antara lain : kesesuaian dengan tema, cerita yang inspiratif, komunikasi dan interaksi antara blogger dan pembaca.

”Kijang Blog Competition ini merupakan salah satu wujud apresiasi Toyota terhadap kegemaran blogger community dalam menuangkan ide-ide kreatif dan pengalaman menarik mereka melalui blog,” jelas Widyawati, General Manager MP&CR, PT. Toyota Astra Motor.

Dewan juri yang terdiri dari Antyo Retjoko (Pendiri, sekaligus blogger kenamaan Indonesia ), Fira Basuki (Penulis Buku, editor majalah, dan seorang blogger), Widyawati (General Manager MP&CR PT. Toyota Astra Motor), mengumumkan empat pemenang setelah sebelumnya mengumumkan daftar finalis terpilih pada akhir Agustus lalu.

Wuri Yulianto, dengan blognya yang berjudul ”Dieng-Negeri di Atas Awan” sebagai pemenang pertama yang berhak atas hadiah utama berupa paket liburan sekeluarga (4 orang) ke Disneyland Hongkong. Sementara Galih Satriaji, dengan ”Jalan-Jalan Lebak Banten: Pantai Malingping”, Djoko Santoso dengan ”Piknik ke Gunung Halimun”, dan Syarifuddin dengan ”Snorkeling With Kijang” sebagai pemenang Blog Inspiratif dan berhak atas satu unit handphone Nokia N95.

Selain hadiah utama dan hadiah kategori Blog Inspiratif, setiap minggunya juga dibagikan hadiah mingguan menarik bagi pemenang mingguan.

”Kompetisi semacam ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu sarana para blogger untuk mengekspresikan ide dan pengalaman mereka, dan diharapkan blog akan lebih berkembang serta menjadi salah satu media yang diakui,” tambah Widyawati. /PR

Toyota Pimpin Pasar Otomotif Nasional

Toyota terus memimpin pasar otomotif nasional dengan membukukan total penjualan sebesar 18.804 unit. Dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya, penjualan Toyota meningkat sebesar 139,4%. Sedangkan angka kumulatif penjualan Toyota sepanjang tahun 2008 (Januari-Agustus 2008) sebesar 138.036 unit, meningkat 144,5% dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya (Januari-Agustus 2007).

Untuk kelas sedan, di bulan Agustus ini Toyota berhasil mencatatkan total penjualan sebesar 1.645 unit, meningkat 140,7% dibandingkan pada periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya (2007). Di segmen mini sedan Vios berhasil membukukan angka penjualan sebesar 1.230 unit.

Di kelas 4x2 non-komersial , Toyota berhasil membukukan total penjualan sebesar 15.344 unit, meningkat 137,4% dibandingkan periode yang sama pada tahun 2007. Penjualan Fortuner berhasil mencapai angka penjualan 838 unit. Sedangkan Rush berhasil mencatatkan angka penjualan sebesar 1.648 unit atau tumbuh sebesar 128,1 % dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya.

Selain itu, Toyota tetap menjadi pemimpin pasar dengan produk-produk unggulannya seperti Avanza dan Kijang Innova. Di bulan Agustus ini Avanza berhasil mencatatkan angka penjualan sebesar 7.742 unit. Sedangkan Kijang Innova tetap memimpin dikelasnya dengan penjualan sebesar 4.437 unit.

Untuk kelas komersial, di bulan Agustus ini Toyota berhasil mencatatkan total penjualan sebesar 1.765 unit dengan produk-produk andalannya seperti Hilux dan truk Dyna yang berhasil mencatatkan kenaikan sebesr 162,4% dibandingkan periode bulan Agustus pada tahun 2007.

“Pencapaian bulan Agustus ini sangat menggembirakan, hasil ini terus mengukuhkan Toyota sebagai pemimpin pasar otomotif nasional. Kami semakin yakin dan optimis untuk menghadapi tantangan otomotif nasional kedepan serta terus memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik dan kebahagiaan bagi semua”. papar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra Motor.

Toyota Kijang 8 Kali Raih Diamond ICSA Award

Toyota Kijang mendapatkan gelar DIAMOND AWARD pada ICSA (Indonesian Customer Saticfaction Award) untuk kategori MPV yang penganugerahannya diselenggarakan di Shangri-La Hotel (18/9). Toyota Kijang adalah satu-satunya merek otomotif yang meraih Diamond Award, dimana penghargaan ini hanya diberikan kepada brand yang telah berhasil meraih sedikitnya 8 kali ICSA Award.

Penghargaan ICSA Award ini diberikan sebagai apresiasi kepada produk-produk dari berbagai kategori di Indonesia, yang dinilai berhasil memberikan kepuasan di mata masyarakat. Penghargaan bergengsi ini diberikan berdasarkan survey Frontier Consulting Group bekerja sama dengan majalah SWA di Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar dan Medan, yang melibatkan 10.500 responden, terdiri dari 9.000 responden random ditambah 1.500 responden booster, dengan pertanyaan seputar pengalaman para responden dalam menggunakan produk dan jasa terkait.

Parameter dari penilaiannya meliputi Quality Satisfaction Score (QSS), Value Satisfaction Score (VSS), Perceived Best Score (PBS) dan Expectation Score (ES).

”Kami sangat bersyukur atas penghargaan ini dan berterima kasih kepada para pelanggan atas kepercayaannya selama ini kepada Toyota. Penghargaan ini mengukuhkan Kijang sebagai kendaraan keluarga yang paling ideal untuk keluarga Indonesia”, ucap Benny Redjo Setyono , Direktur Keuangan dan Administrasi PT Toyota-Astra Motor, seusai menerima penghargaan Diamond ICSA Award.

Toyota Kijang memperoleh Total Satisfaction Score (TSS) yang jauh melebihi para pesaingnya dengan nilai 4.525. Selain itu pada ICSA Award tahun ini, produk Toyota yang berhasil mendapatkan nilai yang baik adalah Toyota Avanza yang berada di posisi ketiga untuk kategori kendaraan MPV. Sedangkan untuk kelas sedan, Toyota VIOS memperoleh nilai diatas rata-rata industri dengan nilai 3.950 (industri : 3.938). Untuk kelas SUV, Toyota Rush juga berhasil memperoleh angka diatas rata-rata industri yaitu sebesar 4.135 dibandingkan rata-rata industri sebesar 3.968.

“Kepuasan pelanggan merupakan hal yang utama bagi Toyota, dan kami sangat bersyukur atas Diamond ICSA Award ini. Hal ini akan menjadi pemacu kami untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik bagi pelangggan kami untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik dan kebahagiaan bagi semua,” komentar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra motor. /PR

VIOS Dominasi Pasar Mini Sedan

VIOS memimpin pasar di kelas mini sedan dengan membukukan angka penjualan dan pangsa pasar di atas para pesaing nya dengan penjualan sebesar 522 unit (55.9% m/s). Di bulan Agustus ini Toyota tetap menjadi market leader di pasar otomotif nasional dengan total angka penjualan sebesar 18.804 unit (32,1%). Produk Toyota yang juga memimpin pasar di kelas nya antara lain All New Camry yang mencatatkan angka penjualan dan pangsa pasar di atas para pesaingnya sebesar 245 unit (38,1%).

Total penjualan nasional selama bulan Agustus 2008 adalah 58.489 unit, meningkat 141% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Dilihat dari komposisi market, Toyota stabil pada peringkat pertama dengan penjualan mencapai 18.804 unit, disusul oleh Mitsubishi (9.033 unit) dan Daihatsu (7.588 unit).

Lebih lanjut tentang penjualan Toyota pada segmen sedan bulan Agustus 2008, dibandingkan bulan yang sama tahun sebelumnya, Toyota telah mencatatkan kenaikan hingga 140,2%. Kenaikan tersebut lebih besar daripada yang dialami oleh oleh pasar segmen sedan secara nasional, yaitu sebesar 111,3%. Komposisi 3 besar pasar sedan pada bulan Agustus ini adalah Toyota (50,8%), Honda (29,8%), serta Mercedes (5,6%).

Di bulan Agustus ini, Vios mendominasi pasar mini sedan meninggalkan para pesaingnya dengan komposisi pangsa pasar yaitu Vios (55,9%), City (36,2%) dan Baleno (4,1%).

“Dominasi Vios di pasar mini sedan membuktikan bahwa Vios adalah mini sedan yang sangat diminati oleh para konsumen, dengan performa yang bagus dengan dukungan mesin 1NZ-FE yang telah dibuktikan di arena balap, serta konsumsi bahan bakar yang irit, menjadikan Vios sebagai pilihan utama bagi para konsumen yang menginginkan sedan irit tapi berperforma tinggi”. papar Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur PT Toyota-Astra Motor.

Segmen Kendaraan Non-Komersial

Pasar Sedan
Bulan Agustus 2008, di kelas mini sedan Vios mencatatkan penjualan sebesar 522 unit (55,9% m/s). Camry menjadi market leader di kelasnya dengan penjualan mencapai 245 unit (38,1% m/s).

Pasar Kendaraan 4x2
Di kelas 4x2 Low, Avanza tetap memimpin dengan pangsa pasar mencapai 52,9%. Demikian pula Kijang Innova, dengan pangsa pasar 60% di kelas 4x2 Medium MPV. Rush berhasil memimpin pasar 4x2 Medium SUV dengan jumlah unit 1.648.

Pasar Kendaraan 4x4
Produk Toyota di segmen ini, Toyota Fortuner 4x4, tetap menjadi market leader di kelas Medium dengan pangsa pasar 36% pada bulan Agustus 2008.

Segmen Kendaraan Komersial
Penjualan nasional di pasar kendaraan komersial bulan Agustus 2008 mencapai 18.386 unit, di mana Toyota menguasai 9,6% pasar dengan penjualan 1.765 unit. Toyota Dyna adalah penyumbang terbesar penjualan Toyota di pasar ini dengan angka 1.200 unit atau 17% market share kelas truk 2 ton, selain itu Hilux menguasai 19,4% pasar kelas 4x2 Medium Pick-Up dengan penjualan mencapai 565 unit. /PR

Scooter Review, Gilera Fuoco 500cc

Gilera Fuoco 500cc

Words by Alec Simpson, Photography by Lou Martin

Have you ever seen a warthog? They are related to wild pigs and have huge heads and narrow bodies, with small tusks next to their snouts that add to their look of ferocity. Warthog is also the nickname given to the Fairchild A-10, an American ground attack aircraft; its reputation is based on its strike power and ability to withstand damage, not its beauty.

Its not often I look at a bike or scooter and imagine what kind of animal it could be, but when I saw the Gilera Fuoco in the flesh I immediately thought its appearance reminded me of a warthog.

The Gilera Fuoco, like the Piaggio MP3 whose front suspension it shares, carries a lot of visual bulk at the front – the two independently suspended front wheels and their electro-hydraulic tilt system are covered by a sort of monster proboscis. On the Gilera Fuoco that bulk is the location for four headlights, a central running light, a steel tube bull-bar and painted perforated metal radiator protectors.

It makes quite an impression and looks much better in the flesh than in the photographs.

The tough bull-barred look reflects what this machine is, the scooterist’s equivalent of an urban assault vehicle, while the extensive steel rails that run right around the back of the scooter provide excellent places to tie things down, meaning you will be able to strap on the bazooka no problem. The utilitarian theme is carried through to the footboards, which are covered in aluminium checquerplate, while the exposed handlebars are nicely finished in satin silver.

While the looks might take some getting used to, the riding doesn’t. This is an incredible machine and, like the Piaggio MP3, re-writes how scooters can feel and handle in the real world of midcorner gravel patches, tram tracks and slippery bitumen banding.

Power is provided by a 493cc fuel-injected single producing 29.4kW at 7250rpm. It is enough to propel the Fuoco to a top speed of about 150km/h. The drive is handled through a CVT and while the 244kg weight dents performance off the line, it’s no slouch once underway.

Longer and heavier than the Piaggio MP3 on which it is based, the Fuoco is much more composed when encountering mid-corner bumps. The MP3 with its softer set-up and smaller rear wheel can wallow, while the firmer suspension and more rigid swingarm of the Fuoco controls any pitching or wallowing movement much more quickly. This means that it handles better at speed, while retaining the incredible roadholding introduced with the MP3.

Initial impressions when riding the Fuoco are that the steering is heavier than a normal scooter, but this is soon forgotten as the

Fuoco responds to steering inputs as well as anything else. There is a switch on the right-hand switchblock that allows you to lock the front suspension at very low speeds, which means you don’t have to put your feet down when you stop. A light flashes on the dashboard to let you know when you are in the speed range that allows it.

Accelerating away releases the lock so there is no danger you will arrive at the next corner unable to turn.

The two front tyres provide excellent grip under brakes and, combined with triple discs, ensure short stopping distances. Unlike the MP3, the Fuoco runs a 140/70x14-inch rear tyre, but retains the same 120/70x12-inch front rubber. When braking hard mid-corner it does require a firm effort to keep it from standing up under brakes and you can feel the suspension struggling to cope through the bars, but you are able to push the front much more than you would on anything else.

Ground clearance is limited by the centrestand, but dragging the undercarriage doesn’t unsettle the scoot, and as the Fuoco is capable of being parked without it – you could easily take it off if cornering was your primary objective. My brief run combined some city traffic mayhem, speed limit monotony and some excellent winding open roads.

I have not experienced such confidence-inspiring front-end grip on a scooter before.

In fact, the front end works so well that I was going out of my way to try to upset it. When I was turning off main roads on to smaller ones

I made a point of riding over the gravel build-up off the wheeltracks; when I was on the freeway I rode into the emergency lane to see if the lane’s height difference upset it; but it was all in vain, even riding off a footpath was gentle experience if taken one wheel at a time.

Other neat touches include a sensor in the seat that prevents the front suspension unlocking when the engine is running unless someone is sitting on it. This should stop curious passers-by sending your parked and idling scooter down the road with no rider. The underseat storage is generous, holding a full-face helmet, while next to the light a 12v accessory outlet is provided. Importantly the shopping bag hook remains on the front legshield.

I was fortunate to ride both the Piaggio MP3 and Gilera Fuoco back to back, and without a doubt the Gilera Fuoco is my scooter of the year. Nothing comes close to providing the security and speed this machine offers over treacherous surfaces. The feathering of the tyres testament to how much load can be carried through corners. For experienced riders it’s a complete giggle and feels uncrashable; for the inexperienced or riders lacking in confidence it will provide levels of roadholding unmatched by other scooters. This is one warthog that won’t be scratching around in the dirt. Sensational.

Yamaha TMAX 500 , Yamaha Australia

Yamaha TMAX 500

Yamaha TMAX Revolution in 2008!

New TMAX extends its brief for 2008 with less weight, sleeker design and even sportier performance

Yamaha Australia

When Yamaha’s original TMAX hit the road in 2001 it changed the scooter world overnight.
For the very first time here was a large-capacity scooter that offered a passionate mix of exhilarating sports bike performance combined with scooter sophistication and functionality. The orginal TMAX started a scooter revolution.

The TMAX is an amazing fusion – a maxi-scooter that is big fun to ride on any kind of road – totally at home on city streets, on twisting country roads and in themotorway fast lane. So it was no surprise that so many riders fell in love with its intoxicating blend of performance and practicality, discovering that one bike really can do it all.

The 2008 TMAX takes that concept to the next level: it’s lighter and sleeker in design, with top performance from its powerful, hi-tech 499cc twin-cylinder engine. And the ride quality is improved along with increased agility, comfort, enhanced everyday convenience and upgraded environmental friendliness.

TMAX has the power to change lives with its awesomely versatile performance because flexibility means freedom to untangle oneself from the complexities of a busy modern lifestyle. Wherever you’re going in life, TMAX will take you there with a smile on your face.

The 2008 TMAX features radical new sports styling with sleek, sculpted bodywork, eye-grabbing headlight design and remarkable new muffler design that accentuate the original model’s image of sports performance and sophistication and maintain the machine’s impressive compactness.

The brilliantly avant-garde design retains the TMAX’s signature boomerang-shaped side covers and features elements of the ‘mass forward’ styling used inYamaha street bikes and supersport bikes to emphasise the TMAX’s front-biased weight distribution that promotes excellent rider control. Lighter body parts also contribute to the 2008 model’s 5kg weight reduction, and the new bodywork improves stability in side winds.

Of course, the new body keeps the weather at bay brilliantly, keeping the rider’s upper body, arms, legs and feet away from the wind and rain. And the new design windscreen is easily detachable to allow quick changes from the standard screen to a short sports screen (especially good for urban riding), which is available as
genuine Yamaha accessories.

The 2008 TMAX also features a classy new dash panel that offers all the information you need in an easy-to-read format. The triple instruments house analogue speedo, fuel gauge and temperature gauge plus digital clock.

2008 TMAX styling highlights

• Radical new sports styling with smooth, sculpted bodywork
• Eye-grabbing dual headlight design
• Remarkable new muffler design contributes to sleek, sporty look
• Lighter body parts contribute to 5kg weight reduction
• New bodywork improves stability in side winds
• Easily detachable windscreen

2008 TMAX chassis

The new TMAX was created for the street, for riders who want a sophisticated urban performer that can exhilarate like a motorcycle when pointed down twisting
country roads and wide-open motorways. But our commitment to the sports capabilities of this machine required that our development programme also included track-testing sessions.

Yamaha test riders evaluated the new TMAX on track to ensure that its all-new aluminium frame allows the machine to handle, steer and grip the road like a sports bike. The new frame, which replaces the original tubular steel unit, is constructed from a mix of extruded aluminium sections and cast aluminium sections formed by
Yamaha’s exclusive CF die-casting technology. This composite design allowed our engineers to create a lighter frame with an ideal rigidity balance that delivers both excellent handling characteristics and a superbly comfortable ride. The rigidity balance was fine-tuned during the development process, with the thickness of the aluminium sections changed time and again to achieve the perfect compromise between handling performance, stability and comfort.

The TMAX suspension settings have been retuned to complement the new frame’s superb performance.

Complementing the new frame is a 15-inch front wheel (previous models featured a 14-inch front) which delivers a more stable and more comfortable ride, especially over rougher road surfaces. Both front and rear wheels are of a classy new hollow three-spoke design in aluminium alloy, just like you’d find on a performance sports bike. The new TMAX also features wider diameter front forks (43mm, up from 41mm) and a 5mm longer wheelbase (1580mm, up from 1575mm) for surer handling and stability.

The result of these upgrades is a superbly neutral handling character that gives the rider that life-affirming sports bike sensation of controlling a machine that goes exactly where you point it, plus impressive stability at speed.

If the TMAX specs keep reminding you of a sports bike that’s no surprise because this is a scooter engineered like a sports bike. The TMAX braking system was always impressive – triple hydraulic disc brakes for stopping on a dime – but the 2008 model takes the sports spec another step forward with monobloc four-piston front brake calipers (with span-adjustable brake levers) for even more impressive stopping performance.

The 2008 TMAX weighs an impressive 5kg less than its predecessor thanks to a full range of weight-reducing measures right across the chassis, from the aluminium frame to the revised bodywork.

2008 TMAX chassis highlights

• All-new aluminium frame
• Optimised suspension settings for even better handling
• 15-inch front wheel, new design alloy wheels
• Larger diameter front fork (from 41mm to 43mm)
• Overall weight reduced by 5kg

2008 TMAX engine features

That original TMAX looked very much like a scooter but its engine performance made it much more than that. Like the TMAX itself, the hi-tech engine has a dual nature – beautifully mild-mannered on the one hand but capable of mightily impressive performance on the other!

The TMAX’s impressive 499cc twin-cylinder engine offers the kind of performance that won’t disappoint experienced sports bike riders.
Featuring digital fuel injection, four valves per cylinder and a compression ratio of 11.0:1, the TMAX delivers brilliant acceleration for swift urban getaways and effortless overtaking. And an inbuilt balancer shaft ensures silky smooth cruising.

The 2008 TMAX engine features a host of detail refinements designed to improve overall efficiency and therefore simultaneously enhance performance and environmental friendliness. Most importantly, engineers worked on the fuel injection mapping, air intake, combustion chamber and exhaust system to achieve a
beautifully balanced engine with crisp throttle response and user- friendly power delivery that perfectly matches the chassis character and the fully automatic transmission system.

The air intake improvements came courtesy of the aluminium frame, which allows the air cleaner to be mounted closer to the engine for increased intake efficiency. The latest TMAX also features a dramatic new sports muffler design that contributes to the 2008 model’s sleek, sporty styling and includes increased catalytic
converter capacity for cleaner emissions to EU3 standards.

2008 TMAX engine highlights

• Revised fuel injection mapping, air intake and exhaust
• Improved engine efficiency delivers more performance and fewer
• Remarkable new muffler design contributes to sleek, sporty look
• Increase catalytic converter capacity also improves
environmental friendliness
• Forward inclined angle of the cylinders with reciprocating
balancer delivers compact, low centre of gravity, and low
• Digital fuel injection means superb power characteristics
• Fully auto transmission means hassle-free, twist-and-go riding

2008 TMAX comfort and convenience features

At the heart of the TMAX’s dual nature is its ability to combine sports performance with class-leading scooter comfort and convenience. This is a scooter that’s built to keep not one but two people happy with deluxe comfort for rider and passenger that would shame some tourers.

The two-step dual seat has been reprofiled for improved leg reach to the ground and thus enhanced low-speed control and confidence.
The sumptuously padded unit is as hugely accommodating and supporting as ever, with plenty of room for rider and passenger to remain comfortable even on longer trips. The seat also features a new, dual-textured material for added comfort. Sturdy alloy Developed for duality: TMAX offers the best of both sport and convenience worlds grabrails ensure that the passenger feels confident and secure at all times.

The practicalities of everyday life were a major consideration in this TMAX redesign, so the 2008 model features several detail improvements for added convenience. The new bodywork includes a second glovebox just below the left handlebar, handy for carrying coins for tolls, parking tickets or other small items. The new aluminium frame also freed up more space for the fuel tank which is now almost seven percent bigger than that featured on previous models, up one litre to 15 litres for improved range and thus less need for fuel stops. And a new seat hinging system makes it easier to pack and unpack the underseat locker.

2008 TMAX comfort and convenience highlights
• Reprofiled seat for improved low-speed control and confidence
• Lighter sculpted bodywork
• Better resistance to side winds
• Extra glovebox within bodywork
• Larger fuel tank capacity
• New seat hinging system for easier packing/unpacking
• Standard fitment immobiliser for added security

TMAX – the background story

The TMAX was unveiled to the European press in Italy, during July 2000 and went on sale the following year. The machine was acclaimed by everyone who rode it and very soon there were many imitations, but none have been able to match its unique blend of sporty sensation and deluxe ride. Yamaha has a unique feel for this sector of the market because the original maxi-scooter was Yamaha’s Majesty 250, launched in 1994.

The T of TMAX stands for twin, as in twin-cylinder scooter, but also for twin as in dual purpose. This is a unique creation that’s more like two machines, each with its own job: to excite you like a motorcycle and to be as easy to live with as a scooter. There is a real art to creating a machine that can do it all. You could even argue that it’s a more complex task than designing a machine that’s focused on just one type of riding, like a supersport bike or a cruiser.

The 2008 TMAX continues the original theme of duality, its in- depth development programme was conceived to enhance its commuter functionality, sports bike performance, tourer comfort and environmental credentials.

TAM Resmikan Spare Parts Center Terbesar di Indonesia

PT Toyota Astra Motor meresmikan New Toyota Spare Parts Center terbesar di Indonesia. Terletak di Kawasan Industri MM2100, Cikarang Barat, pembangunan Spare Part Centre seluas 10 hektar ini menelan investasi sebesar Rp 249 miliar.

Investasi tersebut meliputi biaya pembangunan gedung baru dan berbagai fasilitas modern. Di lahan seluas 10 hektar inilah New Toyota Spare Parts Center menerima, menyimpan dan mendistribusikan lebih dari 100 ribu suku cadang Toyota dari beberapa supplier, baik lokal maupun internasional. Dengan menerapkan standar World Class Operation, pusat suku cadang baru ini akan memperkuat dan meningkatkan efisiensi pelayanan Toyota bagi konsumen dalam negeri melalui 193 cabang dan 166 bengkel yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, termasuk pasar ekspor di 30 negara.

“Pembangunan Toyota Parts Center yang baru ini sekaligus memperkuat posisi Indonesia sebagai basis produksi Toyota di masa datang,” kata Presiden Direktur PT. Toyota Astra Motor, Johnny Darmawan.

Untuk kebutuhan pasar global, sejak tahun 1997 Toyota telah mengekspor kendaraan dan mesin serta komponen suku cadangnya ke lebih dari 30 mancanegara. Hal ini membuktikan kualitas produk Toyota Indonesia telah memenuhi standar internasional, serta telah berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional melalui pengembangan bisnis dan investasi baru tersebut.

Johnny Darmawan menegaskan, ”fasilitas Parts Center terbaru ini sangat penting bagi kami di Indonesia. Selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, fasilitas ini juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk memenuhi pasar internasional sehingga memiliki kontribusi terhadap negara dalam hal pemasukan devisa.”

Kehadiran New Toyota Spare Parts Center akan semakin memudahkan pelayanan kepada konsumen karena distribusi berbagai kebutuhan onderdil akan terlayani lebih cepat dan lebih akurat karena kesalahan yang terjadi menjadi lebih minimal. Konsep yang dibangun di New Toyota Spare Parts Center ini adalah hemat energi. Penggunaan konsumsi listrik yang rendah serta peralatan yang dipakai dengan energi listrik membuat tingkat polusi dapat ditekan.

New Toyota Spare Parts Center tidak hanya dibangun dengan konstruksi modern dan tahan gempa dengan sirkulasi udara yang baik dan hemat energi. Spare Parts Center ini juga dilengkapi fasilitas penunjang yang mendukung produktivitas dan kesejahteraan karyawan, seperti tempat ibadah yang memadai, kendaraan battery, sarana olahraga berupa lapangan bola dan lapangan basket, koperasi, klinik, hingga apotek hidup.

“Toyota sangat memperhatikan produktivitas dan kesejahteraan karyawan, antara lain dengan menyediakan fasilitas pendukung yang memadai,” ungkap Johnny Darmawan.

Selain itu, New Toyota Spare Parts Center memiliki empat fokus utama dalam pengoperasiannya.

Pertama adalah keselamatan (safety), yaitu pemisahan proses pengerjaan yang menggunakan mesin dan yang tidak. Ini bisa terlihat dari jalur yang disesuaikan masing-masing lokasi sehingga akan tercipta lingkungan kerja yang aman.

Kedua adalah produktifitas (productivity), yaitu semua sistem pengerjaan telah menggunakan barcode. Ini dilakukan agar setiap suku cadang yang dipesan oleh pelanggan tidak salah.

Ketiga adalah ergonomic (ergonomic), yaitu lingkungan kerja yang memiliki ruang gerak sangat luas sehingga menghindari pekerja mengalami kelelahan dalam menjalankan tugasnya.

Terakhir yaitu quality. Semua suku cadang telah melalui proses kontrol kualitas yang ketat baik pada saat proses produksi di vendor hingga penerimaan di New Toyota Spare Parts Center.

Sudah menjadi tujuan utama, dibalik upaya mencetak prestasi penjualan, PT Toyota-Astra Motor terus berupaya untuk menciptakan the Best Total Ownership Experience, komitmen Toyota untuk memberikan pengalaman kepemilikan terbaik bagi pelanggan. Sejak mulai mencari informasi kendaraan, Toyota berupaya memberikan pelayanan yang ideal bagi pelanggan dengan dealer-dealer resmi yang nyaman, kemudian melakukan transaksi yang tidak menyita banyak waktu, pengiriman yang tepat waktu hingga pada saat pelanggan memiliki kendaraan baru dengan dukungan layanan purna jual terbaiknya.

Selain sisi penjualan, Toyota juga sangat memperhatikan lingkungan. Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Toyota juga menyerahkan satu unit Toyota Prius kepada Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla. Penyerahan ini dimaksudkan untuk mendukung sosialisasi kendaraan yang hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan./PR