Daftar Shortcut Keyboard Mac Apple dan Sejarah Apple, Inc. yang Sensasional !! [+Pic]

Spoiler for Foto:

Spoiler for :
Apple Computer (sekarang dikenal sebagai Apple, Inc) adalah kekuatan utama dalam revolusi Personal Computer (PC) yang berlangsung di tahun 1970-an dan’80s. Dan bahkan revolusi itu terus menerus berlangsung hingga kini berkat inovasi yang terus-menerus dilakukan oleh pihak pengembang Apple. Namun tahukah Anda, Apple pernah mengalami kebangkrutan, atau hal hal lain sepanjang karir gemilang Apple inc.
Spoiler for Steve Jobs Dengan Macbook Air–Nya:
Sebelum Steve Wozniak bersama Steve Jobs mendirikan Apple, Steve Wozniak adalah seorang hacker. Kepandaian Steve Wozniak ini memang terlihat sejak dia masih kecil yang sangat gemar mengutak atik aljabar dan algoritma matematika. Kemampuan Steve Wozniak ini tentunya sangat berarti dalam mendongkrak hidupnya karena baik Steve Wozniak maupun Steve Jobs semasa SMA-nya tergolong orang orang dengan ekonomi menengah ke bawah.
Spoiler for The Altair 8800 computer kit (January 1975):
Pada tahun 1975, Steve Wozniak bekerja di Hewlett-Packard dan membantu teman-Nya Steve Jobs mendesain video game untuk Atari. Dari keuntungan yang diperoleh, mereka menggunakannya untuk membeli sebuah computer yang sangat sederhana, salah satu produk dari Call Computer pimpinan Alex Kamradt untuk dipelajari mekanismenya. Setelah melihat wacana mengenai membangun terminal computer sendiri pada suatu majalah berjudul Popular Electronics terbitan tahun 1975, double steve tersebut merakit sendiri komputer dengan spare part yang ada. Computer Conversor yang dirakit tersebut terdiri dari 24 baris dan 40 kolom, hanya menggunakan huruf capital, menggunakan monitor berupa video teletype dan dapat terhubung dengan Call Computer. Alex Kamradt menanggapi positif hal ini dan bekerja sama dengan Steve Wozniak untuk menjual produk jadinya melalui firma dagang yang dimiliki Kamradt.
Spoiler for Altair 8800 Computer dengan floppy disk berukuran 8 inch:
Pada tahun 1975, Wozniak mulai menghadiri pertemuan di Homebrew Computer Club. Pada pertemuan tersebut Microcomputers baru seperti Altair 8800 dan IMSAI menginspirasinya untuk menggunakan mikroprosesor ke dalam video teletype dan lengkaplah computer yang ia rancang.

Pada saat itu hanya tersedia microcomputer CPU Intel 8080 senilai US $ 179 dan Motorola 6800 yang dibandrol US $ 170. Saat itu Wozniak berniat bekerja sama dengan Motorola, namun saat itu masih belum menemukan kata sepakat karena range harga yang diminta baik Intel maupun Motorola saat itu jauh dari range budget mereka. Namun Wozniak tak menyerah. Ia melihat, mempelajari dan mendesain skema computer pada kertas. Dalam benaknya, membuat CPU hanyalah tinggal menunggu hari saja.

Ketika MOS Technology 6502 chip (sekarang baterai CMOS) dirilis dengan kisaran harga US $ 20 pada tahun 1976, Wozniak membuat program yang sesuai untuk chip tersebut dengan bahasa BASIC dan mulai mendesain computer yang mampu menjalankannya. MOS 6502 didesain oleh orang yang sama dengan orang yang membuat Motorola 6800, karena banyak pekerja di Silicon Valley yang mendirikan atau membuat usaha sendiri sebagai sampingan.Wozniak melakukan sedikit perubahan kecil agar chip baru tersebut dapat berjalan dengan baik. Wozniak menyempurnakan penemuaanya dan membawanya ke pertemuan Homebrew Computer Club sebagai show off.

Pada pertemuan tersebut, Wozniak bertemu teman lamanya Steven Jobs yang sama-sama tertarik terhadap potensi komersial dari hobi computer tersebut.Setelah itu Jobs melakukan pendekatan dengan toko computer local, The Byte Shop yang pada akhirnya setuju untuk menjual produk Jobs. Namun dengan catatan, komputer yang dibuat harus dirakit dengan baik menjadi satu kesatuan utuh (assembled). Pemiliknya, Paul Terrell, menyampaikan bahwa ia akan memesan 50 mesin computer dan membayar US $ 500 pada setiap pengiriman. Jobs mengamini tawaran tersebut dan menghubungi Cramer Electronics, distributor peralatan elektronik skala nasional sebagai media partnernya. Inilah awal dirancangnya Apple I yang menjadi pondasi perkembangan produk-produk Apple.
Spoiler for Logo Apple Computer pertama kali, dibuat oleh Ronald Wayne.:

Spoiler for Logo Apple ketika tahun 1976 dibuat oleh Rob Janoff dengan tema warna pelangi yang digunakan hingga 1998.:

Spoiler for APPLE I:

The Apple I, juga dikenal sebagai Apple-1, merupakan awal komputer pribadi dan dibilang sebagai biangnya atau nenek moyangnya dari semua komputer APPLE pada masa selanjutnya. Komputer ini dirancang dan dibangun secara hand made oleh Steve Wozniak dan Steve Jobs-lah yang mempunyai ide penjualan komputer. Produk Apple pertama ini pertama kali ditunjukkan ke publik pada April 1976 di Homebrew Computer Club di Palo Alto, California dan mulai dijual pada Juli 1976 dengan harga $ 666.66.
Spoiler for Apple II:
Berbeda halnya dengan Apple I yang masih menggunakan kayu sebagai casingnya, Apple II telah melakukan up grade berbeda dengan menggunakan casing dari bahan metal. Apple II diluncurkan pada April 1977, dan ditujukan untuk kebutuhan personal. Apple II ini telah mendukung Graphic, Bahasa BASIC, Visical (dengan Excel sebagai jendelanya), dan dilengkapi dengan game Oregon Trail. Apple II ini juga dilengkapi dengan twin floppy disk drive dan monitor. Apple II juga memiliki fitur yang terintegrasi keyboard, suara, plastik kasus, dan delapan internal slot ekspansi.
Spoiler for The Apple III:
Pada awal tahun 1980-an, Apple Computer menghadapi meningkatnya kompetisi dari perusahaan lain. Saingan Utama Apple Computer adalah Commodore. Namun hal tersebut tak berlangsung lama, setelah produsen computer tingkat mainframes, IBM, memasuki pasar. Walaupun Apple II telah dinyatakan siap platform karena Visicalc, Apple tetap menyiapkan Apple III untuk menyaingi IBM versi PC.
Spoiler for Xerox PARC :

Spoiler for LISA:
Pada Desember 1979, Steve Jobs dan teknisi grup komputer Apple melakukan tur ke laboratorium Xerox PARC dan dengan disaksikan peneliti dari Xerox, mereka mendemonstrasikan GUI (Graphic User Interface) pada computer Alto. Pada saat itu Steve Jobs menyadari pentingnya GUI pada computer masa depan daripada menggunakan interface berbasis teks (misalnya, perbandingan perintah dengan command prompt dibandingkan dengan perintah pada layar windows yang lebih nyaman)

Dalam pakta kerja samanya Xerox memberika akses pada Apple untuk menggunakan fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh Xerox selama 3 hari sebagai kompensasi nilai tukar saham yang kala itu mencapai $ 1.000.000. Selama masa itu, para ilmuwan Apple mempelajari liku-liku dari GUI atau interface WIMP sehingga menghasilkan computer Apple yang pertama kali berbasis GUI dan diberi nama LISA (konon nama ini berasal dari putri pertama Steve Jobs yang merupakan kepanjangan dari Locally Integrated Software Architecture)

Hanya saja, Local Intregated Software Architecture atau LISA bisa dibilang sebagai produk gagal APPLE karena walaupun LISA sudah dilengkapi dengan mouse dan GUI (Graphical User Interface), LISA dibandrol dengan harga sangat mahal, sekitar $10,000 dan LISA tidak Compatible dengan produk sebelumnya yaitu Apple II sehingga gagal melakukan penetrasi pasar.
Spoiler for MAC 128k:

Diluncurkan pada tahun 1984 dan mampu mendobrak dominasi IBM dan DOS pada saat itu.
Spoiler for MAC II:

Setelah 3 tahun sejak kesuksesan MAC 128k, Pada 1987 APPLE kembali meluncurkan MAC II yang ditambahi dengan dipasangnya Floppy Disk Slot (disket) serta juga memakai HardDisk sebagai penyimpan data, selain itu MAC II juga didukung 8-bit/256 Color Video.
Spoiler for Macintosh Color Classic:

Komputer APPLE pertama yang layarnya berwarna, sudah ada Smiley icon-nya, dan pengaturan suara dan contrast melalui layar monitor.
Spoiler for Mac Portable:
Dirilis Pada tahun 1989, nenek moyang MacBook ini dijual seharga kurang lebih $6,500, dengan berat 6kg juga dilengkapi dengan Trackball (Trackpad) dan dilengkapi dengan battery yang mampu bertahan selama 10jam.

Kapal Misi Kemanusiaan RI Ditembaki Israel

VIVAnews - Kapal kemanusiaan Mavi Marmara yang membawa misi kemanusiaan Indonesia dan jurnalis tvOne ditembaki helikopter Israel di perairan Gaza, Palestina.

Tiga orang dikabarkan tvOne meninggal dan 30-an lainnya luka-luka. Peristiwa terjadi Senin 31 Mei 2010.

Di dalam kapal ini terdapat aktivis Mer-C Indonesia yang membawa misi kemanusiaan. Juga ada jurnalis tvOne yang melakukan liputan di atas kapal ini.

Mer-C atau Medical Emergency Rescue Committee adalah organisasi sosial kemanusiaan yang bergerak dalam bidang kegawatdaruratan medis.

Relawan MER-C Indonesia yang ikut dalam misi ke Gaza adalah Nur Fitri Moeslim Taher selaku ketua tim dengan anggota dr Arief Rachman, Abdillah Onim, Nur Ikhwan Abadi, dan Muhammad Yasin. Mereka ikut rombongan misi "Flotilla to Gaza" (kebebasan untuk Gaza) tahun 2010 bersama berbagai elemen dan pegiat kemanusiaan dan hak asasi manusia dari 50 negara yang masuk Gaza pada tanggal 25 Mei 2010.

Sukarelawan dari 50 negara yang ikut misi ini ada di bawah koordinasi Insani Yardim Vakfi, Turki. Misinya menghentikan blokade militer-politik-ekonomi Israel yang mengepung Gaza dan sudah berjalan hampir 4 tahun ini, serta memakan korban ribuan jiwa. Kapal ini juga membawa sekitar 10 ribu ton bantuan kemanusiaan.

Israel mengancam akan mengebom kapal-kapal yang mengangkut misi kemanusiaan untuk warga di jalur Gaza.


sumber: http://dunia.vivanews.com/news/read/...tembaki_israel

Berikut nama 12 WNI yang berada di Kapal Mavi Marmara:

Dari Mer-C:
1. Nur Fitri Moeslim Taher (Ketua Tim)
2. dr Arief Rachman
3. Abdillah Onim
4. Nur Ikhwan Abadi
5. Muhammad Yasin (Jurnalis TV One)

Dari Kispa:
1. H Ferry Nur (Ketua Kispa)
2. Muhendri Muchtar (Wakil Ketua Kispa)
3. Okvianto Baharudin
4. Hardjito Warno

Dari Sahabat Al Aqsha - Hidayatullah:
1. Dzikrullah Ramudya
2. Surya Fahrizal
3. Santi Soekanto

10 Beasiswa Teraneh di Dunia !! (+pic)

Selain dari daftar ususal hibah yang berguna dan beasiswa, ada beasiswa yang aneh dan tidak biasa yang mahasiswa bisa dapatkan. Bagian terbaik tentang beasiswa ini adalah bahwa Anda tidak benar-benar perlu akademis secara luar biasa. Anda hanya perlu memiliki beberapa fitur khas atau hobi. Beberapa jenis beasiswa yang paling aneh adalah sebagai berikut.
Beasiswa Orang Kidal

Karena siswa kidal begitu banyak, beasiswa ini ditawarkan oleh Juanita College di Pennsylvania, adalah salah satu beasiswa yang paling umum dan dicari orang.
Beasiswa Toko Es Krim Nasional

Jika Anda bekerja di beberapa toko es krim, Anda mungkin memenuhi persyaratan untuk beasiswa ini. Jika Anda cukup beruntung, majikan Anda mungkin akan merekomendasikan Anda, dan Anda mungkin mengambil satu dari 17 $ 1.000 beasiswa.
Beasiswa Patrick Kerr Skateboard

Satu lagi beasiswa yang tidak biasa. Beasiswa ini dapat bergna bagi orang yang memiliki bakat skateboard
Beasiswa Nama Belakang Orang Yang Aneh

beasiswa ini biasa disajikan oleh Universitas Loyola di Chicago diberikan kepada siswa dengan nama-nama terakhir yang paling tidak biasa, yang terbaik sejauh ini adalah nama "Zolp"
Beasiswa Asma

Kedengarannya sangat aneh yang bahkan alergi Anda dapat memenangkan jumlah beasiswa yang besar. American Academy of Allergy, Asma dan Imunologi terutama bertanggung jawab untuk mensponsori beasiswa unik ini.
Kontes Beasiswa Stuck at Prom Duck Brand Duct Tape

Ini adalah sebuah kontes yang tidak biasa diadakan setiap tahun pada musim semi, dimana para siswa membuat dan mengenakan pakaian formal untuk bersaing mendapatkan hadiah beasiswa $ 2,500. Hadiah kedua dan ketiga adalah untuk mendapatkan beasiswa sebesar $ 1.000 dan $ 500 masing-masing.
Turnamen Kejuaraan Poker Online

Jika Anda adalah seorang juara di permainan poker, ini adalah kesempatan emas Anda untuk memenangkan jumlah besar sebagai hadiah beasiswa.
Beasiswa Orang Vegetarian

beasiswa ini disponsori oleh Vegetarian Resource Group hanya untuk orang dengan kebiasaan makan sayur-sayuran.
Beasiswa Klub Mahasiswa Tertinggi Internasional

Orang-orang tinggi sekarang memiliki kesempatan untuk ambil beberapa beasiswa yang bagus. Beasiswa ini pada dasarnya hanya mempertimbangkan tinggi seorang mahasiswa yaitu 5'10 "bagi siswa perempuan dan 6'2" untuk siswa laki-laki.
Beasiswa Ketepatan Meramal Masa Depan

Beasiswa ini agak sedikit berbeda dari apa yang namanya penghargaan, kontes ini sebenarnya adalah untuk mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam ilmu ekonomi. Peserta diharuskan untuk 'membeli dan menjual" prediksi masa depan hanya sebagai salah satu akan membeli saham.

Aston Martin V12 Vantage 2011

Last year Aston Martin V12 Vantage has been released, but was banned for sale in the United States. Aston follow the American concept of time be respected. Retrieve bodyshell your most compact, honkin 'machines. This is called the musclecar. Of course, the interpretation of the theme musclecar Aston somewhat more polite, sophisticated and aristocratic than, say, a '70 Chevy Chevelle SS454.

Initially created for the entire world, the front end of a very solid car with the engine that there is no room for the structures necessary to meet U.S. crash regulations. In a barrier impact speed is needed, note the doll's chest deceleration rate limits.

The engineers had to think hard to meet customer needs. Analysis and computer models show a location where some additional aluminum longitudinal member can be installed to change the path and soften the burden of slowing. It tested well, and this car is the result. Extra weight is not significant. And the performance, handling and styling mods are not affected by the accident.

The V12 engine is a 5.9-liter, 510 horsepower kick, enough to zero time-to-60mph is claimed at 4.1 seconds. M / T has not tested for zero-to-60 on our paradigm. Transmission is rear-mounted six-speed manual, although an optional full AMT and automatically appear in other Astons. The Vantage V12 keep things relatively simple: none of the adaptive dampers from DBS, there is no choice of transmission, not a lot of menu-driven.

Spesification 2010 Acura RDX 2WD

Unsaddled by Acura's Super Handling All-Wheel Drive, the front-drive RDX is more fuel efficient, faster, and less expensive. It's not decontented, mind you: Standard goodies new for 2010 include a rearview camera, electronic compass, auto-headlights, ambient footwell lighting, USB-connectivity, and Bluetooth with audio capabilities.

RDX was no slouch even with the added drivetrain mass, likened it to the Evo of crossovers when we said goodbye. Acura's SH-AWD is impressive; through planetary gearsets and electromagnetic clutch packs, it's capable of overdriving the outside rear wheel to create yaw, which reduces understeer. The downside is the roughly 200 pounds it adds to the curb weight. Without it, the RDX's fuel economy rises 2 mpg, up to 19/24 mpg city/highway. It's livelier on its MacPherson front and multilink rear suspension too.

  • Turbo compressor
  • 2,300 cc 2.3 liters in-line 4 front engine with 86.0 mm bore, 99.0 mm stroke, 8.8 compression ratio, double overhead cam, variable valve timing/camshaft and four valves per cylinder
  • Premium unleaded fuel 91 and petrol
  • Multi-point injection fuel system
  • 18.0 gallon main premium unleaded fuel tank 15.0
  • Power: 179 kW , 240 HP SAE @ 6,000 rpm; 260 ft lb , 353 Nm @ 4,500 rpm
Handling, Ride & Braking
  • ABS
  • 4.533:1 axle ratio
  • Brake assist system
  • Four disc brakes including two ventilated discs
  • Electronic brake distribution
  • Electronic traction control via ABS & engine management
  • Immobilizer
  • Spacesaver steel rim spare wheel
  • Stability control
  • Strut front suspension independent with stabilizer bar and coil springs, multi-link rear suspension independent with stabilizer bar and coil springs
Exterior & Aerodynamics
  • Driver and passenger 3rd row windows
  • Painted front and rear bumpers
  • Day time running lights
  • Driver power heated painted door mirrors indicator lights, passenger power heated painted door mirrors with automatic indicator lights
  • External dimensions: overall length (inches): 182.5, overall width (inches): 73.6, overall height (inches): 65.2, ground clearance (inches): 6.3, wheelbase (inches): 104.3, front track (inches): 61.9, rear track (inches): 62.6 and curb to curb turning circle (feet): 39.2
  • Front fog lights
  • Projector beam lens Xenon bulb headlights
  • Luxury trim leather on gearknob, leather on doors and alloy look on dashboard
  • Pearl paint
  • Driver side and passenger side rear side windows
  • Fixed rear window with defogger and intermittent
  • Roof spoiler
  • Glass electric front sunroof
  • Underbody protection for fuel tank
  • Weights: gross vehicle weight rating (lbs) 4,894, curb weight (lbs) 3,752, gross trailer weight braked (lbs) 1,500 and max payload (lbs) 1,142
  • Windshield wipers with automatic intermittent wipe
  • 12v power outlet: front
  • Air conditioning with fully automated climate control 2 and auto
  • Anti-theft protection
  • Manufacturer's own RDS audio system with satellite, Disc Autochanger and six-disc remote changer CD player reads MP3
  • Cargo area cover/rear parcel shelf
  • Cargo capacity: rear seat down (cu ft): 60.6 and all seats in place (cu ft): 27.8
  • Cellular phone
  • Clock
  • Coming home device
  • Compass
  • Computer with average speed, average fuel consumption, instantaneous fuel consumption and range for remaining fuel
  • Delayed/fade courtesy lights
  • Cruise control
  • Front seats and rear seats cup holders
  • External temperature
  • Floor covering: carpet in passenger compartment and carpet in load area
  • Floor mats
  • Driver front airbag with multi-stage deployment, passenger front airbag with occupant sensors and multi-stage deployment
  • Bucket heated electrically adjustable driver seat with height adjustment, lumbar adjustment, five adjustments and tilt adjustment memory, electric and memory, bucket heated electrically adjustable passenger seat with two adjustments
  • Height adjustable 3-point reel front seat belts on driver seat and passenger seat with pre-tensioners
  • Front seat center armrest
  • Garage door opener
  • Two height adjustable active head restraints on front seats, three height adjustable head restraints on rear seats
  • Headlight control with dusk sensor
  • Internal dimensions: front headroom (inches): 38.7, rear headroom (inches): 38.3, front hip room (inches): 54.4, rear hip room (inches): 53.0, front leg room (inches): 41.8, rear leg room (inches): 37.7, front shoulder room (inches): 58.2 and rear shoulder room (inches): 56.3
  • Low tire pressure indicator
  • Memorized adjustment with two settings on door mirror position with four driver's seat positions
  • Navigational systems : information type: 3D and voice DVD and color
  • Parking distance sensors rear and camera
  • Remote power locks includes trunk/hatch
  • Power steering
  • Front power windows with two one-touch, rear power windows
  • Front reading lights
  • 3-point reel rear seat belts on driver side, passenger side and center side
  • Rear seat center armrest
  • Three asymmetrical split bench front facing rear seats with zero adjustments fold flat to floor
  • Automatic operation rear view mirror
  • Steering wheel mounted remote audio controls
  • Front and rear side curtain airbag
  • Leather seat upholstery with additional leather
  • Seating: five seats
  • Service interval indicator
  • Front side airbag
  • Smart card / smart key manual, includes central locking and includes memory seat adjustments
  • Ten speaker(s) manufacturer's own
  • Leather covered steering wheel with tilt adjustment and telescopic adjustment
  • Tachomete
  • Telematics
  • Illuminated driver and passenger vanity mirror
  • Ventilation system with micro filter
  • Voice activating system includes radio settings, includes phone, includes navigation system and includes air conditioning

Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global satellite navigation system that provides reliable location and time information in all weather and at any time and anywhere on or near the earth where there is unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and freely accessible by anyone with a GPS receiver. The system was created and realized by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).

The GPS consists of three parts: the space segment, the control segment, and the user segment. The U.S. Air Force develops, maintains, and operates the space and control segments. GPS satellites broadcast signals from space, which each GPS receiver uses to calculate its three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the current time.

GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for map-making, land surveying, commerce, scientific uses, tracking and surveillance, and hobbies such as geocaching and waymarking. The precise time reference provided by GPS is used in many applications including the scientific study of earthquakes and as a time synchronization source for cellular network protocols.

The design of GPS is based partly on similar ground-based radio navigation systems, such as LORAN and the Decca Navigator developed in the early 1940s, and used during World War II. In 1956 Friedwardt Winterberg proposed a test of general relativity using accurate atomic clocks placed in orbit in artificial satellites. To achieve accuracy requirements, GPS uses principles of general relativity to correct the satellites' atomic clocks. Additional inspiration for the GPS came when the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite, Sputnik in 1957. A team of U.S. scientists led by Dr. Richard B. Kershner were monitoring Sputnik's radio transmissions. They discovered that, because of the Doppler effect, the frequency of the signal being transmitted by Sputnik was higher as the satellite approached, and lower as it continued away from them. They realized that since they knew their exact location on the globe, they could pinpoint where the satellite was along its orbit by measuring the Doppler distortion.

  • In 1972, the U.S. Air Force Central Inertial Guidance Test Facility (Holloman AFB), conducted developmental flight tests of two prototype GPS receivers over White Sands Missile Range, using ground-based pseudo-satellites.
  • In 1978, the first experimental Block-I GPS satellite was launched.
  • In 1983, after Soviet interceptor aircraft shot down the civilian airliner KAL 007 that strayed into prohibited airspace due to navigational errors, killing all 269 people on board, U.S. President Ronald Reagan announced that the GPS would be made available for civilian uses once it was completed.
  • By 1985, ten more experimental Block-I satellites had been launched to validate the concept.
  • On February 14, 1989, the first modern Block-II satellite was launched.
  • In 1992, the 2nd Space Wing, which originally managed the system, was de-activated and replaced by the 50th Space Wing.
  • By December 1993, the GPS achieved initial operational capability.
  • By January 17, 1994 a complete constellation of 24 satellites was in orbit.
  • Full Operational Capability was declared by NAVSTAR in April 1995.
  • In 1996, recognizing the importance of GPS to civilian users as well as military users, U.S. President Bill Clinton issued a policy directive declaring GPS to be a dual-use system and establishing an Interagency GPS Executive Board to manage it as a national asset.
  • In 1998, U.S. Vice President Al Gore announced plans to upgrade GPS with two new civilian signals for enhanced user accuracy and reliability, particularly with respect to aviation safety and in 2000 the U.S. Congress authorized the effort, referring to it as GPS III.
  • In 1998, GPS technology was inducted into the Space Foundation Space Technology Hall of Fame.
  • On May 2, 2000 "Selective Availability" was discontinued as a result of the 1996 executive order, allowing users to receive a non-degraded signal globally.
  • In 2004, the United States Government signed an agreement with the European Community establishing cooperation related to GPS and Europe's planned Galileo system.
  • In 2004, U.S. President George W. Bush updated the national policy and replaced the executive board with the National Executive Committee for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing.
  • November 2004, QUALCOMM announced successful tests of assisted GPS for mobile phones.
  • In 2005, the first modernized GPS satellite was launched and began transmitting a second civilian signal (L2C) for enhanced user performance.
  • On September 14, 2007, the aging mainframe-based Ground Segment Control System was transitioned to the new Architecture Evolution Plan.
  • The most recent launch was on May 28, 2010.[19] The oldest GPS satellite still in operation was launched on November 26, 1990, and became operational on December 10, 1990.
  • On May 19, 2009, the U. S. Government Accountability Office issued a report warning that some GPS satellites could fail as soon as 2010.
  • On May 21, 2009, the Air Force Space Command allayed fears of GPS failure saying "There's only a small risk we will not continue to exceed our performance standard.


Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8 GSR which you see now is not just a car that could only be enjoyed on weekends only. But more than that, because its owner, Ebel, risking his Evo 8 to compete in the drag race event. Thus, tuning is done starting all out. "But this car can cave touring racing settings," open Ebel, who is also frontman Motorsport Wisesa this workshop.

These differences in the two races made it impossible to re-think to rebuild the compound with the event in order to compete on a straight track racing. Okay, as an illustration of the seriousness of Ebel, no one else untouched sector of skilled hands. But it is the main focus in the kitchen there are changes as power generation pacemakers. Although only be used for speeding on a straight track, congenital 4G63T engine should be given therapy in order to produce their best performance.

"Target translucent cave above 500 dk," said Ebel. Energy targets for change that it surely requires not merely replace the turbo and then optimized with the engine computer upgrade, more than that. Because at this stage is not only powerful, but must also be able to excel records the shortest possible time. Capacity of only 2,000 cc engine that is still considered low, especially for the torque that is able to produce before the turbo spooling at max. No other way, options stroker kit installed soon. The result? pulley any engine capacity up to 2300 cc stroker kit through the use of AMS. It was donated from the long handlebar piston reaches 156 mm and the dimensions of crutches as up to 100 mm.

In the hands of the DC Sports EVO X changed like a road racing car. He not only more athletic, but also too arrogant. Various series body kit C-West alerts affixed on the exterior. The most prominent front bumper that would arise with a large air gap.

The S-AWC system, the which regulates torque and braking at EACH wheel includes a bevy of acronyms: ASC (Active Stability Control), ACD (Active Center Differential), AYC (Active Yaw Control) and Sport ABS, an ABS system Designed for aggressive driving. The Biggest difference over the outgoing car is the large number of yaw sensors included in the system, all Designed to keep the Evo X on its intended path.

The S-AWC system, cans be set for three different road surfaces: tarmac (standard), ice and gravel
In addition, the DC Sports Exhaust System also installs its own for EVO X roar more highly than the manufacturer's version. Even dyno tuned the digebah HBSpeed join the increasingly wild promising performance.

The Twin Clutch SST on the MR appears similar to the Audi / VW 's DSG system; even and odd gears are on separate clutches for the rapid-fire shifting, and no torque loss Between gears. Shifting of the TC-SST is controlled by alloy paddles on the steering wheel or the gear shift lever in manual mode Pls, and by the engine computer in automatic mode. The system has three modes: Normal, Sport and S-Sport, the latter Providing the most aggressive, fast shifts.

Modified Specification

* C-West body kit: Aero parts include front bumper, Side Skirt, Rear Bumper, Front canards, Bonnet Air Intake Scoop
* AMS Front Mount Intercooler
* DC Sports Exhaust System for Evolution X
* Hankook tires
* COBB Tuning parts under the hood.
* Rays Engineering Gram Lights 57S Pro rims
* Koyorad radiator
* Performance Friction Brakes
* KW suspension system
* Odyssey battery

While the metal seat and was wearing street ARP to ensure the endurance of the engine when digeber until it reaches its limit. Then to get a monster power, certainly no longer the standard turbo can give their best performance. Instead, dipakailah pelecut Comp Turbo as extra energy. Fun, turbo-made country, Uncle Sam with the code has been adopted CT4380 triple ball bearings that have reached 4 inches in diameter at the compressor inlet and 3 inches at the outlet.  

So much, "The turbo housing is ported back to the air flow to be more solid," said Ebel. Thus, at a pressure of 2.3 bar turbo on the figures, obtained power to reach 595 dk ..! "We can Sentul QTT in 11 seconds with 2.1 bar boost and 540 HP power," said Ebel. In fact, after this stage, turbo boost going dipanteng at 2.7 bar with output estimated to reach more than 700 HP.


Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8 GSR which you see now is not just a car that could only be enjoyed on weekends only. But more than that, because its owner, Ebel, risking his Evo 8 to compete in the drag race event. Thus, tuning is done starting all out. "But this car can cave touring racing settings," open Ebel, who is also frontman Motorsport Wisesa this workshop.

These differences in the two races made it impossible to re-think to rebuild the compound with the event in order to compete on a straight track racing. Okay, as an illustration of the seriousness of Ebel, no one else untouched sector of skilled hands. But it is the main focus in the kitchen there are changes as power generation pacemakers. Although only be used for speeding on a straight track, congenital 4G63T engine should be given therapy in order to produce their best performance.

"Target translucent cave above 500 dk," said Ebel. Energy targets for change that it surely requires not merely replace the turbo and then optimized with the engine computer upgrade, more than that. Because at this stage is not only powerful, but must also be able to excel records the shortest possible time. Capacity of only 2,000 cc engine that is still considered low, especially for the torque that is able to produce before the turbo spooling at max. No other way, options stroker kit installed soon. The result? pulley any engine capacity up to 2300 cc stroker kit through the use of AMS. It was donated from the long handlebar piston reaches 156 mm and the dimensions of crutches as up to 100 mm.

In the hands of the DC Sports EVO X changed like a road racing car. He not only more athletic, but also too arrogant. Various series body kit C-West alerts affixed on the exterior. The most prominent front bumper that would arise with a large air gap.

The S-AWC system, the which regulates torque and braking at EACH wheel includes a bevy of acronyms: ASC (Active Stability Control), ACD (Active Center Differential), AYC (Active Yaw Control) and Sport ABS, an ABS system Designed for aggressive driving. The Biggest difference over the outgoing car is the large number of yaw sensors included in the system, all Designed to keep the Evo X on its intended path.

The S-AWC system, cans be set for three different road surfaces: tarmac (standard), ice and gravel
In addition, the DC Sports Exhaust System also installs its own for EVO X roar more highly than the manufacturer's version. Even dyno tuned the digebah HBSpeed join the increasingly wild promising performance.

The Twin Clutch SST on the MR appears similar to the Audi / VW 's DSG system; even and odd gears are on separate clutches for the rapid-fire shifting, and no torque loss Between gears. Shifting of the TC-SST is controlled by alloy paddles on the steering wheel or the gear shift lever in manual mode Pls, and by the engine computer in automatic mode. The system has three modes: Normal, Sport and S-Sport, the latter Providing the most aggressive, fast shifts.

Modified Specification

* C-West body kit: Aero parts include front bumper, Side Skirt, Rear Bumper, Front canards, Bonnet Air Intake Scoop
* AMS Front Mount Intercooler
* DC Sports Exhaust System for Evolution X
* Hankook tires
* COBB Tuning parts under the hood.
* Rays Engineering Gram Lights 57S Pro rims
* Koyorad radiator
* Performance Friction Brakes
* KW suspension system
* Odyssey battery

While the metal seat and was wearing street ARP to ensure the endurance of the engine when digeber until it reaches its limit. Then to get a monster power, certainly no longer the standard turbo can give their best performance. Instead, dipakailah pelecut Comp Turbo as extra energy. Fun, turbo-made country, Uncle Sam with the code has been adopted CT4380 triple ball bearings that have reached 4 inches in diameter at the compressor inlet and 3 inches at the outlet.  

So much, "The turbo housing is ported back to the air flow to be more solid," said Ebel. Thus, at a pressure of 2.3 bar turbo on the figures, obtained power to reach 595 dk ..! "We can Sentul QTT in 11 seconds with 2.1 bar boost and 540 HP power," said Ebel. In fact, after this stage, turbo boost going dipanteng at 2.7 bar with output estimated to reach more than 700 HP.