Proses untuk mengembalikan event WRC di Indonesia sudah mulai berjalan melalui pertemuan awal antara Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) yang mewakili Menegpora RI dengan Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC) pada tgl. 11 Juni 2007 di Singapore dengan didampingi oleh Bpk. Irawan Suchayono (Sekjen PP. IMI) ; Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Biro Olahraga PP. IMI) & Jeffrey
Rally WRC
Proses untuk mengembalikan event WRC di Indonesia sudah mulai berjalan melalui pertemuan awal antara Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) yang mewakili Menegpora RI dengan Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC) pada tgl. 11 Juni 2007 di Singapore dengan didampingi oleh Bpk. Irawan Suchayono (Sekjen PP. IMI) ; Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Biro Olahraga PP. IMI) & Jeffrey
Rally WRC
Mechanic - Ball Joint Replacement
It started as a clicking noise as you backed out of the drive. Just a mild tap through the steering wheel. Sometimes it's not even there. But as the mileage builds over the next few weeks, the click gets bigger. Then it starts to morph into a thump as you go over potholes. A thump that turns into a shimmy. You jack up the front end and shake the wheels side to side--no problem. You shake them up
Reparation Tips
Mechanic - Ball Joint Replacement
It started as a clicking noise as you backed out of the drive. Just a mild tap through the steering wheel. Sometimes it's not even there. But as the mileage builds over the next few weeks, the click gets bigger. Then it starts to morph into a thump as you go over potholes. A thump that turns into a shimmy. You jack up the front end and shake the wheels side to side--no problem. You shake them up
Reparation Tips
Ball joint
Description: A ball joint consists of a hardened-steel, bearing stud and socket enclosed in a steel housing. The bearing stud is tapered and threaded and fits into a tapered hole in the steering knuckle. A protective boot prevents dirt from entering the joint assembly. Ball joints are used on the front end of virtually every car and light truck. Vehicles with conventional suspension systems use
Description: A ball joint consists of a hardened-steel, bearing stud and socket enclosed in a steel housing. The bearing stud is tapered and threaded and fits into a tapered hole in the steering knuckle. A protective boot prevents dirt from entering the joint assembly. Ball joints are used on the front end of virtually every car and light truck. Vehicles with conventional suspension systems use
KONI Sport and FSD (Frequency Selective Damping)During a typical mile of travel down the road, the damper will move in (compression) and out (rebound) millions of times. Break that mile into one second of travel, and the number of times the damper moves (stroke) defines the operating frequency (Hertz, Hz). Controlling body roll entering a corner induces relatively few strokes of the damper (
Automotive Dynamometer Systems(dynamo meter/rolling soad) information
Once you have built your new motor, or fitted any tuning parts you will NEED to visit a good automotive Dynamometer or rolling road. If you don't you will never be able to set up your engine properly. A good dynamometer allows you to use a gas analyser while under load so you can see the real air fuel mixture at all RPM's while driving. Rather than discuss the subject on
Tune up
Chip tuning, or chipping your car...
Non Turbo Cars Heard a boy racer telling his mate the other day "just fitted a chip to my xxxxx car (non turbo) yesterday, and its loads faster!". Well that is just NOT possible. I asked him how and he didn't know, but said it was about 20mph faster flat out! Now since it takes 4x the power to go twice as fast, that equates to a simply huge power increase! So he was obviously lying...
Tune up
Conventional Engine tuning methods
By "conventional engine tuning" we mean internal engine work. Not Turbocharging, Supercharging, Nitrous Oxide Injection, etc. No "bolt on power" modifications. but tuning the internals to give better airflow. Getting more power from a standard car engine by conventional tuning means is at best difficult. (we will ignore standard turbocharged cars for the moment). The only way is to
Tune up
Fuels, and fuel additives
There are hundreds of different fuel additives with all kinds of different claims! We are only really interested in the ones that CAN work to help power. First we need to understand the differences between the two common road fuels we all use, and a few "race" fuels. 1st we have all those "additives" that claim to improve power, and torque, improve "smoothness" emissions, and mileage!
and fuel additives,
Lightening engine parts
If you want more acceleration, especially in lower gears, lightening crankshafts and flywheels is a good idea. It may also result in a slightly lumpier idle, but will give faster throttle response when you blip the pedal! Much like a motorcycle, because they have no flywheels. The gains are quite small and expensive but like all engine tuning you have to decide what you are trying
Cams, or camshaft, and effect on performance
Wild or "race" cams are just not suitable for a road car. They do not allow you to drive smoothly in say 4th gear in town because they make your engine run "lumpy" at low revs! And you will have an uneven idle like a bike engine. They "CAN" give some performance benefit at higher revs though, but only if the rest of your engine and induction system and exhaust are also modified to take
Engine Basic
Tuning and LPG or Propane alternative fuel vehicles
The short answer here is that LPG or Propane fuel has a higher detonation limit so makes a better fuel for tuning than pump petroleum does. It allows either more turbo boost, or higher compression ratios, or more nitrous to be used before detonation of fuel stops play! In short, if you want power its a great idea!copyright :
Tune up
Superchargers and Supercharging your car...
Supercharging your car makes more power by forcing more air into your engine just like an Exhaust driven Turbocharger does. This allows you to burn more fuel. The difference is that the compressor is driven directly by the engine rather than the exhaust gasses. The one shown is a VW VR6 Motor with an aftermarket low boost "supercharger" fitted. In this case
Build your own engine - tips
Engine Builder Ben Smeding and Smeding Performance Offer 8 Tips On What not To Do When Building An Engine For Beginners. (PRWEB) January 20, 2005 -- Ever think building an engine sounded like a fun project? Or seen someone do it and thought well if they can do it, surely I can do it too? Ever considered building an engine for yourself but worried that you would fall prey to the
Engine tips
Engines - some very basic knowledge!
Before we can understand how to tune engines or to make more power from an engine we need to have a good idea of how engines work. There is no point talking about nitrous, turbocharging or chips or supercharging if you don't really understand how this makes more power! I will give a really simple view here that only relates to power! Here we go then... Engines
Engine Basic
Turbocharging & Nitrous
Turbo's make more power by forcing more air into your engine so more fuel can be burned. They are driven by the engines exhaust gasses. This "turbocharging" works but has one or two problems. If the turbo is small enough to "spool up" at low engine speeds it becomes a "restriction" of the exhaust gasses in itself. This limits maximum power severely. An engine cannot
Tune up
Turbocharging & Nitrous
Turbo's make more power by forcing more air into your engine so more fuel can be burned. They are driven by the engines exhaust gasses. This "turbocharging" works but has one or two problems. If the turbo is small enough to "spool up" at low engine speeds it becomes a "restriction" of the exhaust gasses in itself. This limits maximum power severely. An engine cannot
Tune up
BMW Seri 7 Hydrogen Menaklukan Hati Para Diva Film
Bintang film Monica Bellucci, Cate Blanchett dan Jane Fonda menghadiri Rome Film Festival dengan mobil tersebut.
Untuk kedua kalinya, Roma menggelar festival film "Cinema. Festa Internazionale di Roma". Para bintang layar lebar internasional yang hadir di acara 'red carpet' pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2007 yang lalu termasuk Monica Bellucci dengan film terbarunya "Le deuxiéme souffle". Aktris cantik ini mendapat sorotan dari para fotografer karena gaun hitam yang dikenakan malam itu membuat penampilannya sangat istimewa bersama dengan BMW Seri 7 silver bermesin hidrogen yang ditumpanginyanya ke acara tersebut. Selebritis lainnya seperti Cate Blanchett dan Jane Fonda juga menggunakan BMW Seri 7 Hydrogen sebagai kendaraan mereka, saat tampil di acara yang sama.
Manufaktur mobil premium asal Jerman ini menyiapkan 6 unit mobil pertama di dunia yang menggunakan mesin hidrogen selama festival tersebut berlangsung. Beberapa aktor ternama lainnya yang berkesempatan menggunakan mobil masa depan tersebut antara lain Gérard Depardieu dari Perancis, sutradara kenamaan Francis Ford Coppola, Geoffrey Rush aktor asal Australia, aktris Itali Asia Argento dan Greta Scacchi, bintang sekaligus sutradara dari India Shekhar Kapur serta Gilles Jacob, presiden Cannes Film Festival.
BMW adalah pelopor teknologi hidrogen dan telah memperlihatkan keberhasilannya secara konsisten dalam pengembangan teknologi ini. Lebih dari dua dekade ini perusahaan tersebut telah membuktikan kepeduliannya terhadap masalah mobilitas yang berkelanjutan. Rencana jangka panjangnya adalah mengganti bahan bakar bensin dengan hidrogen sebagai sumber energinya.
Tahun ini BMW Seri 7 Hydrogen akan terus disediakan untuk sejumlah tokoh dari kalangan lifestyle, politik dan bisnis. Sebanyak 100 unit mobil telah diproduksi dengan menggunakan mesin hidrogen. BMW Seri 7 Hydrogen memadukan secara sempurna antara teknologi hidrogen dengan karakteristik BMW yaitu pengendaraan yang dinamis dan mulus serta kenyamanan yang sempurna. /PR

Manufaktur mobil premium asal Jerman ini menyiapkan 6 unit mobil pertama di dunia yang menggunakan mesin hidrogen selama festival tersebut berlangsung. Beberapa aktor ternama lainnya yang berkesempatan menggunakan mobil masa depan tersebut antara lain Gérard Depardieu dari Perancis, sutradara kenamaan Francis Ford Coppola, Geoffrey Rush aktor asal Australia, aktris Itali Asia Argento dan Greta Scacchi, bintang sekaligus sutradara dari India Shekhar Kapur serta Gilles Jacob, presiden Cannes Film Festival.

Tahun ini BMW Seri 7 Hydrogen akan terus disediakan untuk sejumlah tokoh dari kalangan lifestyle, politik dan bisnis. Sebanyak 100 unit mobil telah diproduksi dengan menggunakan mesin hidrogen. BMW Seri 7 Hydrogen memadukan secara sempurna antara teknologi hidrogen dengan karakteristik BMW yaitu pengendaraan yang dinamis dan mulus serta kenyamanan yang sempurna. /PR
BMW 7 Series Hydrogen,
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